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Electromagnetic coupling to a device on a printed circuit board

Posted on:2006-02-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of HoustonCandidate:Lertsirimit, ChatrpolFull Text:PDF
An efficient hybrid method for calculating the electromagnetic coupling to a device on a printed circuit board (PCB) inside a cavity by a wire penetrating an aperture is presented. The hybrid method separates the printed circuit board analysis from the cavity analysis for numerical efficiency. The method allows a Thevenin equivalent circuit to be obtained at any point on the circuit board (a definable "port"), such as a point where a conductor trace meets a circuit component on the board. Hence, the voltage level at the input to a device on the PCB that results from an exterior incident field can be calculated.; A transient electromagnetic pulse coupling into the system under investigation can have a significant impact on a digital device. The time-domain electromagnetic pulse coupling to the device can be calculated from the frequency-domain response using the Fourier transform. The system response in the frequency-domain may be calculated by the hybrid method. The investigation in the time-domain focuses on pulses comprising a sinusoidal carrier wave modulated by an envelope function. A damped sinusoidal pulse is investigated in detail to explore how the output signal may be maximized.; In the frequency domain, the system response consists of many different types of resonant modes. The characterizing parameters of each mode are important in understanding the behavior of the response and in aiding with the numerical calculations. A CAD formula for extracting these parameters is developed and presented here.
Keywords/Search Tags:Printed circuit, Circuit board, Device, Electromagnetic, Coupling, Hybrid method, Response
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