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Movement of the organized blind in India: From passive recipients of services to active advocates of their rights

Posted on:2013-11-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Syracuse UniversityCandidate:Chander, JagdishFull Text:PDF
In recent years, the subject of the newborn disability rights movement in India has been attracting the attention of researchers, but there has been very little effort to document the movement of blind people in India for their rights, which preceded the broader disability rights movement. I therefore conducted a qualitative study of this movement of blind people in India by using the methods of oral history and document analysis. For this purpose, I conducted 93 interviews (by interviewing 45 informants) and analyzed relevant documents. Borrowing terminology from the self-advocacy movement of the blind in the United States, I describe this movement as a "movement of the Organized Blind," which was launched when blind activists began to organize themselves at the national level in India during the early 1970s. I have attempted to explain that since the launching of this movement, blind activists have been constantly engaged in a struggle for their rights, which encompasses a wide range of issues from the right to employment to the enactment and implementation of the comprehensive disability rights law. I describe the historical evolution of this movement as a process of transformation of the status of blind people in India from being "passive recipients of services" offered to them through the service delivery organizations to "active advocates of their rights.";I have classified the evolution of this movement into four stages from 1970 to 2005. I also reject the existing views about the time of origin of the disability rights movement in India and establish my argument that it began in late 1980s when blind activists began to focus on the demand for the enactment of a comprehensive disability rights law, which resulted in the enactment of such a law in 1995. Finally, I have analyzed the changing methods of advocacy as well as the shift in the approach of the service delivery organizations in the field of blindness in India from outright rejection of the advocacy approach to its acceptance in the post-1995 period.
Keywords/Search Tags:India, Movement, Blind, Rights
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