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Leadership in the aftermath of September 11th

Posted on:2006-05-29Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Pepperdine UniversityCandidate:Lincoln, Barbara GFull Text:PDF
GTID:1455390008463025Subject:Business Administration
September 11, 2001 was a momentous event. Organizational crises in the past cannot compare to the impact that it has had on today's leaders, on global decision making and on our very survival. The threat of a major crisis is always present, and the researcher believes that businesses of all types will benefit from lessons learned by organizational leaders following major disasters. The purpose of this study was to uncover the ways in which business leaders have been affected by September 11th, explore the changes that they have made in their leadership styles and behaviors, and identify some of the current challenges they face.; In-depth interviews were conducted with six selected business leaders from different industries and one New York City Fire Captain, who were in positions of leadership during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The interviews were recorded on audiotape, transcribed, and carefully reviewed using the technique of content analysis. A number of themes emerged from an analysis of the interview findings. Effective leaders were defined as having both strong organizational and human relations skills. Having integrity, and being honest, trustworthy and decisive was stressed, as was the need for leaders to be flexible and have good communication skills. Future trends and challenges included the need to be prepared for future disasters, to be able to adapt to a world of increasing complexity, and contend with the impact of terrorism.; These executives also told their detailed and stirring stories of 9/11, where they were, how they felt, what they did. They provided rich insights into the mind of a leader during a crisis. In the post 9/11 world, these leaders emphasized that being effective means focusing on important business functions while developing an inclusive and adaptive culture.; Recommendations include developing both the task and relationship skills of leaders; people want effective leaders with integrity and empathy. Leaders need to focus on their ability to communicate effectively, to be flexible in their leadership styles, and adapt to the rapidly changing business environment. They must have a current crisis management plan, and focus on the safety and security of the workforce as well as the business itself.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leaders, September, Business
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