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China And Occident:Cultural Differences In The Eyes Of Business Leaders

Posted on:2014-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Benjamin AbittanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330434970849Subject:Chinese language and culture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The aim of this thesis was to explore the cultural differences between China and Occident. Using the six dimensions Hofstede model. The study has found that China, when compared to Occident has:●A greater power distance;●A lower uncertainty avoidance;●A more collective society;●A more masculine society;●A long term focus;●A greater restraint.After analysis of other studies and reconsidering some of the parameters on which I have conducted the interviews; it appears that the only modification of the results would be that China has:●A higher uncertainty avoidanceFurther research has led me to suggest some historical and cultural justification for the differences in each of the six dimensions. Insight into the nature and origin of cultural differences is key to understand what can be attributed to culture and what is due to a personal reaction to a specific situation.If this study is able to help managers and business leaders predict or at least prepare for the cultural differences between the Chinese and Occidental cultures, it will have served its purpose.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Culture, Hofstede, Business
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