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The bordering worlds of Marcel Duchamp, Robert Desnos and Mina Loy

Posted on:2007-08-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:City University of New YorkCandidate:Duchnowski, MonicaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1455390005990861Subject:Comparative Literature
This interdisciplinary study seeks affinities in the works of Marcel Duchamp, Robert Desnos and Mina Loy. Its comparative analysis focuses primarily on American, British and French culture with some references to other European cultures. The study of relations between visual art and literature, specifically poetry, begins with Mallarmean Symbolism as a precursor to Dada-Surrealism. It concentrates mainly on the interaction between art and text from the World War I era up until the beginning of the 1930s. It discusses scientific and technological developments, including war technologies and the cinema. The criticism of Gilles Deleuze provides a framework to examine the evolution of modernism and postmodernism with specific attention to baroque concepts. The problem of representation and situated difference in Duchamp, Desnos and Loy is analyzed from a Deleuzian perspective. Deleuze's The Fold in conjunction with Bergsonism and Cinema 1 are considered in terms of their relevance for contemporary feminist criticism, particularly that of Donna Haraway, Rosi Braidotti and Dorothea Olkowski. The relationship between Deleuze's concept of difference and Derridean deconstruction is also explored as an alternative to examining the many collaborative writings Deleuze produced with other critics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Duchamp, Desnos
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