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The experiences of employed family caregivers who engage in health promotion: A generic qualitative study

Posted on:2014-12-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Goshorn, Allison JFull Text:PDF
Compared to other workers, employed family caregivers are at an increased risk for career, financial and health problems. A generic qualitative study, with a semi-structured interview, was conducted to gather data from a purposeful combination sample (homogenous followed by intensity) of 10 employed family caregivers. Inclusion criteria for the intensity sample included having an overall positive wellness score on the University of Michigan Health Risk Appraisal. The data was analyzed using a theoretical thematic analysis. The overall findings showed that employed family caregivers used a variety of resources and strategies to engage in health promoting behaviors that were intended to enhance their performance and well-being. The findings were consistent with the predictions asserted by Voydanoff (2008) and based on the guiding theory, which was the fit perspective of the general conceptual model of the work-life interface.
Keywords/Search Tags:Employed family caregivers, Health
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