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New Urban Spaces Museums, Architecture and the Cultural Economy of Cities

Posted on:2012-06-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, Los AngelesCandidate:Fuentenebro Alonso, PabloFull Text:PDF
The dissertation examines the relationship between museums, architecture, urban design and the cultural economy of cities. It seeks to understand the ways in which cultural infrastructures have come to play a fundamental role in the contemporary city. This project focuses on the relationship between two elements: (1) the cultural dimension of urbanization, this is, the way culture is used in processes of place-marketing and city-branding and (2) the role of architecture in new museum buildings. I would like to argue that museums have become a key element of the cultural economy both through their material presence in the city fabric and through their civic role as cultural amenities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural economy, Museums, Architecture
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