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Defaillances au sein de reseaux interdependants: Les defis de la mise en place d'un systeme d'alerte precoc

Posted on:2012-04-28Degree:M.Sc.AType:Dissertation
University:Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Debernard, CedricFull Text:PDF
GTID:1452390011455220Subject:Industrial Engineering
The proper functioning of our societies lies on a certain number of key resources provided through supporting networks. These resources are provided not only to the society in general but also to other networks which use the resources the others produce. Typically, the pumps operating the water network need electricity to work, as well as the electrical network needs water to cool down certain production equipments to maintain a normal operating temperature. Such customer/supplier relationships generate interdependencies between some of these networks. Among them, some are categorized as critical infrastructures, which failure would have debilitating effects on our society.;The proper supplying of their resources is a major and permanent concern for critical infrastructure operators. As such, they consider they need to be informed of the consequences of an initial failure on their own network as well as on the ones it is interconnected with. Being able to model such propagation in space and time, and provide this information through a user-friendly interface would give operators a certain period of time within which they could take appropriate measures to mitigate the consequences. An early warning system is to be developed in this perspective.;The research presented in the article in annex as well as in this dissertation which details each of its aspects is related to the development of such a system, both in its definition, constitution and as a tool model supposed to be implemented and tested in Montreal. Thus, the development of this system faced several difficulties and could not be brought to fruition. Nevertheless, the investigation of the obstacles led to a better understanding of the constitution of the system, allowed to suggest a certain number of approaches in order to overcome them and yet to keep using the system through various applications, until a new implementation could be considered.
Keywords/Search Tags:System, Certain, Resources
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