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Investigation of the experimental characterization of the joints of heavy vehicles frames components (Spanish text)

Posted on:2005-08-20Degree:DrType:Dissertation
University:Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain)Candidate:Masia Vano, JaimeFull Text:PDF
The particular nature of the structures employed in the heavy goods vehicles results in the need to elaborate an analytical methodology in accordance with these structures. The development of an analytical methodology based on the study of the structural elements and on knowing for certain their response (such as the thin walled beams, beam joints, different materials, etc.), will allow us to obtain a more appropriate model. The manner of developing the problem is based on an array type or matrix methodology and usually implemented by using software based on a finite elements method. Variations are proposed to this methodology which permit us to deal with the structural elements in a manner that is in accordance with the phenomena which are reproduced in them, concentrating on aspects such as the distinct rigidity which the typical joint between the side and cross member presents in the basic geometries of the ladder frame type chassis.; The validation of experimental results permits the selection of the most appropriate typology of elements. The validation process is developed generating a prototype which possesses the same characteristics as are found in the structural element of the chassis with the object of studying it experimentally. This study of the prototype is executed on a test bench specially prepared for this end, calibrated and experimentally validated together with a complete system for collecting data for the realisation of these tests. At the same time, modelling is carried out with finite elements software. Interaction with the model is performed so that it reflects the same behaviour exhibited experimentally. The results obtained from this characterisation provide the rigidity parameters with which one would work in the future analysis of the structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vehicles
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