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An exploration of the relationships between language, culture, safety, and training in the construction workforce in New Mexico

Posted on:2014-06-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of New MexicoCandidate:Amezcua, Luis GFull Text:PDF
The purpose of safety training is to avoid or at least decrease the number of work-related accidents and deaths. This study was concerned with the role that native language plays in effective training of adult construction workers in New Mexico. Specifically, this study examined workers' and trainers' perceptions of the effectiveness of safety training as these perceptions relate to language and cultural considerations. Bilingual safety training is often ineffective because the trainers are limited in their use of the second language. In some cases, individuals without a true grasp of the second language become trainers due to the large demand for bilingual trainers in what may be lucrative job opportunities. In other cases, trainers may be competent in both languages on a social level, but are not able to convey accurately technical information.;Four instruments were used: Questionnaire for Workers, Questionnaire for Trainers, Cuestionario para Trabajadores, and Cuestionario para Entrenadores. Each questionnaire had two sections. The first section asked a series of demographic and contextual questions; the second section asked the two groups, workers and trainers, for levels of agreement with safety training statements. A comments section at the end of the survey encouraged participants to offer suggestions for improvements and/or include any general remarks.;This exploratory study of the relationships between language, culture, safety, and training in the construction workforce in New Mexico provides a solid basis for further research and also may be utilized as a tool to raise awareness of trainers and companies of the importance of health and safety training. Most importantly, qualified trainers who understand the principles of andragogy are needed. The ANSI Standard Z490.1 includes all aspects of adult education and provides guidance as to how to implement effective training. The conclusions of the study have clear policy implications, which are discussed in detail in this study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Training, Safety, Language, Construction, New, Trainers
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