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Factors leading to job satisfaction among the United States Air Force squadron recruiters

Posted on:2009-06-21Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Booppanon, SoranunFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to identify the leading job satisfaction factors of U.S. Air Force squadron recruiters and determine the level of job satisfaction in each tier group. The study also compared the job satisfaction levels and the differences among participants based on demographic variables. The population for the research consisted of squadron recruiters in Southern California and Arizona. The researcher developed a demographic questionnaire to collect data on the tier level, first-term or career-airmen, age, gender, rank, marital status, number of dependents, and educational background. Permission was obtained to use a validated job satisfaction survey with nine facet subscales to collect the ratings. A quantitative method was applied to analyze the collected data from a purposive sample. Overall, the squadron recruiters are satisfied in this special duty career field. All three tiers had job satisfaction scores that were in the satisfactory range. Tier three recruiters had the highest job satisfaction scores and their overall average score was significantly higher than either tier one or tier two. Additionally, there was a significance difference in a job satisfaction scores for married versus unmarried recruiters, but only on the communication subscale. Factors that were determined to be ambivalent were contingent rewards, promotion, and operating conditions. In conclusion, the squadron recruiters' job satisfaction scores were high in the areas of supervision, coworkers, communication, and the work itself, and the unmarried recruiters were significantly more satisfied with their jobs than the married recruiters.
Keywords/Search Tags:Job satisfaction, Recruiters, Factors
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