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Project management leadership in the manufacturing industry

Posted on:2009-09-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Jones, Elaine DeaniceFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390002496323Subject:Business Administration
In the manufacturing industry, successful project management is crucial in supporting sustainability within an organization. Therefore, staying within budget, meeting timelines, and hitting the scope of a project are more critical than ever before. In evaluating different phases of a project, (initial process, planning process, execution process, controlling process, and closing process) this qualitative research study attempts to show that in unity, transformational leadership behaviors and transactional leadership behaviors may be more viable in completing a successful project. Additionally, the findings suggested that while both leadership styles play a significant role in project success, during the beginning phases of the project (the initial process and the planning process) transformational leadership behaviors were more commonly used. However, as a project evolved to other phases (execution process, controlling process, and closing process) transactional leadership behaviors were more frequently used.
Keywords/Search Tags:Project, Leadership, Process
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