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Exploring the role of contemporary project manager leadership in information system project debacles

Posted on:2010-02-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Malone, Sherman AFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390002988131Subject:Business Administration
The objective of the dissertation was to expand on the research of Oz and Sosik (2000) as information technology (IT) project failure remains a contentious issue (McManus & Wood-Harper, 2007) and project manager leadership continues to jeopardize projects (Muncaster, 2007). The research was limited to contemporary leadership (i.e., transactional and transformational) styles and their affect on project failure. Exploration based on logistic regression analysis of the population (i.e., Project Management Institute, Project Management Professionals) proved contrary to management theory revealing insignificant correlations between leadership styles and project success albeit there was one significant correlation between management support and project failure. The findings suggest more research, including qualitative to investigate the why needs to be conducted on the role of leadership in project failure and how top management support influences project outcomes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Project, Leadership, Management
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