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The impact of the Developmental Training Model on staff development in Air Force Child Development Programs

Posted on:2011-09-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of OklahomaCandidate:Bird, Candace Maria EdmondsFull Text:PDF
In an effort to standardize training delivery and to individualize staff development based on observation and reflective practice, the Air Force implemented the Developmental Training Model (DTM) in its Child Development Programs. The goal of the Developmental Training Model is to enhance high quality programs through improvements in the training delivery methodology. DTM is built upon the framework of adult learning as a developmental process and relies on the program Training & Curriculum Specialist to observe, evaluate and deliver training based on the needs of the individual caregiver. Through the application of the DTM, child care employees are able to participate in their own professional development and use each training session as an opportunity to reflect over previous sessions while setting goals for the future. The factor examined in this dissertation was the impact of the implementation of the Developmental Training Model on staff development in Air Force Child Development Programs. This study identifies successes and challenges in staff training since the implementation. In particular, it found that the majority of caregivers felt positively about the impact on staff development but felt ongoing organizational support efforts had been insufficient to sustain perceived benefits. Likewise, input from various stakeholders pointed to a lack of skills and abilities among some Training and Curriculum Specialists combined with a need for increased professional development for this group had reduced potential impact of the new model. Additionally, time management and scheduling were cited as major concerns along with a lack of accessibility to a source for updated information on the Developmental Training Model. In general, the study respondents expressed a hope for continued use of the model and provided a number of suggested improvements to increase its effectiveness in Child Development Programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development, Training, Impact, Education
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