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Brain-based learning theory: An online course design model

Posted on:2008-10-13Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Liberty UniversityCandidate:Tompkins, Abreena WFull Text:PDF
The development of a theoretical brain-based online course design model with potential transferability across course management systems in higher education is the problem for this study. Qualitative inquiry was the emergent design and consisted of an extensive current, relevant literature review of educational literature in brain-based learning theory, online course design, and course management systems for the purpose of developing a theoretical brain-based online course design model for higher education. The model developed includes synthesized indicators from the analytical charting. The proposed model is presented in acronym form, which in and of itself aligns with brain-based learning theory. The acronym IGNITE has emerged as the theoretical brain-based model and will be discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online course design model, Brain-based, Higher, Education
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