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Understanding the experience of individuals when they share new information using an integrated business system

Posted on:2007-05-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Fielding Graduate UniversityCandidate:Harris, Kathryn AFull Text:PDF
GTID:1448390005469142Subject:Information Science
When an organization decides to put in an integrated business system there is a unique relationship between the user and the system. This study examined the experience of integrated business system users who discovered new knowledge, information, or skills in the system and their experience as they chose to share---or not share---that new knowledge with others. An understanding about why and how people share new knowledge---or decide not to share their knowledge---is important for several reasons. In an integrated business system, users can destroy their own or someone else's data by trying unique options or taking alternative steps without letting the system designers know what they are doing. Users often discover new and improved ways of doing things in the newly implemented system and often choose not to share this new knowledge. This study analyzes how new knowledge is shared---and factors that block users from sharing their new knowledge.;Nineteen system users were interviewed about their use of an integrated business system, their knowledge of the system, new skills they learned in the system, and how, this new knowledge was shared or not shared. This study examines the factors which influence people in the sharing process, and management of assumptions about what knowledge sharing is occurring.;Keywords. knowledge management, knowledge sharing, integrated business systems, social networks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Integrated business system, Share new, New knowledge, Knowledge sharing, Experience, Information
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