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The impact of politics on post -communist media in Eastern Europe: An historical case study of the 1996 Hungarian Broadcasting Act

Posted on:2009-02-21Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Ohio UniversityCandidate:Milter, Katalin SFull Text:PDF
GTID:1448390005453569Subject:Mass communication
The Hungarian media have undergone significant changes in a mere two decades since the fall of communism. Reporters discuss themes about political reform, the elections, corruption, and even political protest. They critically analyze stories asking the basic questions while frequently providing follow-up. The press has liberalized, reflecting pluralistic domestic and international information sources as opposed to the State-controlled media before 1990. The media, along with free elections, transparency of law and government, and a civil society, are important benchmarks for a society that strives to compare favorably with the West, and for that reason deserves examination.;The dissertation examined the 1996 Radio and Television Act in Hungary. Using a case study approach, the research provides insight into the complexities and the difficulties in democratizing a previously state-owned and operated broadcast system. Historical analysis has been deployed to study the communist government media policy, followed by a policy analysis of the drafting and enactment of Hungary's 1996 Broadcasting Act. Documents shore up the history of the broadcasting system and development of the Broadcasting Act. Interviews furnish insights in the political media arena of the communist times and subsequent regime changes. The dissertation concludes with analysis and recommendations concerning the future of Hungarian media and the necessity for revisions of media law.
Keywords/Search Tags:Media, Hungarian, Broadcasting
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