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A methodology for applying a heuristic-based quality function analysis to a constrained data situation

Posted on:2011-05-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The George Washington UniversityCandidate:Amber, Samuel HollandFull Text:PDF
The complex civil-military situation and adaptive irregular threat in Iraq and Afghanistan are indicative of future warfare challenges for the United States. Using technology to adapt rapidly United States Army ground combat vehicles for these challenges creates unique supportability issues. However, hazardous combat environments usually constrain detailed data collection on engineering systems. Quality Function Deployment is capable of integrating and visualizing the requirements engineering interplay associated with complex operating environments, Hybrid Threats, Agile Acquisition, and supportability. This integration and visualization is achieved by modifying the standard House of Quality design to include heuristics from a constrained data environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quality, Data
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