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Hardware architectures and implementations for associative memories---The building blocks of hierarchically distributed memories

Posted on:2009-08-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Portland State UniversityCandidate:Gao, ChangjianFull Text:PDF
During the past several decades, the semiconductor industry has grown into a global industry with revenues around ;We studied two types of neural associative memory models, with and without temporal information. In this research, we first decomposed the computational models into basic and common operations, such as matrix-vector inner-product and k-winners-take-all (k-WTA). We then analyzed the baseline performance/price ratio of implementing the AMs with a PC. We continued with a similar performance/price analysis of the implementations on more parallel hardware platforms, such as PC cluster and FPGA. However, the majority of the research emphasized on the implementations with all digital and mixed-signal full-custom CMOS and CMOL nanogrids.;In this dissertation, we draw the conclusion that the mixed-signal CMOL nanogrids exhibit the best performance/price ratio over other hardware platforms. We also highlighted some of the trade-offs between dedicated and virtualized hardware circuits for the HDM models. A simple time-multiplexing scheme for the digital CMOS implementations can achieve comparable throughput as the mixed-signal CMOL nanogrids.
Keywords/Search Tags:CMOL nanogrids, Implementations, Hardware
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