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The lost art of cursive writing: The impact of state standards on curriculum decision-making

Posted on:2007-02-22Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Ashland UniversityCandidate:Kelly, Janice LongFull Text:PDF
This exploratory study was two-pronged. It examined the current attitudes of teachers regarding cursive writing instruction in select Ohio public school districts. Cursive writing is a non-tested skill and was used as an example of what may be happening to other non-tested curricular areas. It also examined the role of teachers in curriculum decision-making and the impact of standards and high-stakes testing on the curriculum decision-making process. A concurrent mixed method approach was used in this study. A qualitative and quantitative survey was developed and administered. Results showed that cursive writing has been de-emphasized in the elementary school curriculum in an effort to focus on tested skills. The study also found that teacher roles are changing as they are experiencing a shift in control of curriculum decision-making, with this process shifting to administrative personnel, state agencies and state mandates. This study also reflects the growing interest of federal and state government in curriculum decision-making.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cursive writing, Curriculum decision-making, State
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