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Learning, discerning and yearning: The development of language proficiency of non-native speaker French as a second language teachers in Ontario

Posted on:2008-10-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Salvatori, Michael JohnFull Text:PDF
GTID:1445390005475382Subject:Teacher Education
This qualitative research study relied on individual interviews with 15 participants and a group interview involving four of the 15 participants to explore the French language proficiency of non-native speaker teachers of French as a second language (FSL) and the relationship among their perceptions of their proficiency in French, their teaching practice, and the development of their proficiency in French.;A number of themes emerged during the analysis of the data from the interviews and group interview: the native speaker ideal, the notion of judgment of one's level of proficiency by native and expert speakers, the value placed on FSL and its impact on a teacher's motivation, the notion of credibility as a speaker and teacher of FSL, the role that confidence and comfort play in the choice of language proficiency maintenance strategies, differentiation of required level of proficiency according to teaching context, the non-native speaker teacher's understanding of an L2 learner's challenges, and the importance of interaction with native speakers and time spent in the target language milieu as a means of enhancing proficiency. The notions of communities of practice, legitimate peripheral participation, and the zone of proximal development served as theoretical underpinnings for the interpretation of the data. Findings from the study suggest that FSL teachers need an opportunity to openly discuss their anxieties and insecurities regarding their language proficiency. In addition the findings suggest that it would be beneficial to develop a definition of the required proficiency of an FSL teacher rather than relying on the standard of the native speaker.
Keywords/Search Tags:Proficiency, Speaker, Native, FSL, French, Development, Teachers
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