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The effects of an Internet2 implementation at the food and drug administration: A case study

Posted on:2011-10-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Chen, Melinda ElenaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1444390002954810Subject:Business Administration
The purpose of this study is to determine the potential effects of an Internet2 implementation at the FDA. Because Internet2 does not currently exist in the FDA, research will be made to compare the tools used today to transmit data to what may develop with an Internet2 presence. These effects will be assessed from the point-of-view of the scientists who could utilize this tool. The impact of Internet2 on the FDA's organizational structure will also be considered. A qualitative approach will be used to generate new knowledge in the area. It currently takes too long to transmit scientific data between centers, to other government agencies and to the industry. All participants interviewed were aware of Internet2 but there was a variety of knowledge on its capabilities. Internet2 is a consortium being led by 207 universities working in partnership with industry and government to develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies (Internet2, 2004). The researcher concludes that Internet2 can increase the efficiencies at the work environment at the FDA. Faster data transmission would lead to faster decisions especially during a foodborne emergency that affects the health of the American consumer. The use of bioinformatics, genomic manipulation, PulseNet, grid computing, computer (Monte Carlo) simulation, FERN collaboration with other laboratories, risk assessment and increased collaboration with other laboratories, are potential advantages of an Internet2 implementation at the FDA.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet2, Effects, Fda
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