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A gender based comparative study of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder on behavior and achievement of elementary students

Posted on:2010-02-24Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Trevecca Nazarene UniversityCandidate:Morthel, Robbin DFull Text:PDF
This action research study qualitatively and quantitatively looked at girls and boys in fourth through eighth grade with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to determine differences in behavior and academic achievement. Data were collected from a small rural and suburban school system involving a sample population of 29 boys and 13 girls with ADHD. In order to complete the study achievement test scores, discipline summaries, focus group interviews, and rating scales from parents and teachers were utilized. The analytical methods involved t-tests and chi squares to determine behavior and academic differences between genders. The findings showed a significant difference among genders with disruptive behavior during completion of homework, in the classroom and during lunch.
Keywords/Search Tags:Behavior, Achievement
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