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From the plaza to the chat: A new media art analysis of the public space transformations

Posted on:2008-02-01Degree:DrType:Dissertation
University:Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain)Candidate:Diaz Garcia, Diego JoseFull Text:PDF
GTID:1442390005472991Subject:Fine Arts
Our research analyzes the current situation of the urban public space; today, socio-economic processes are affecting the way in which people uses those spaces and they are loosing their abilities as primary communication interfaces in the cities. We have taken special attention to all those changes derived of the massive irruption of the Technologies of Communication and Information (TIC). We have analyzed the different migration processes taking place between the physical public space and the digital public space. In this situation we propose the reformulation of those spaces through the hybridizing between the physical and the digital worlds. We believe that the integration of the digital technologies in the physical space is a way to develop new strategies of communication, entertainment and education.; To study the contemporary art practices in relation with the context of this research we classified the new media artworks in six categories depending of the relation between digital technologies and urban space that they propose. These categories are: hybrid space represented, representing the digital in the physical space, modification of the physical environment, the streets as game board, remote communication and hybrid objects.; Combining a theoretical revision of the transformation of the urban space with the study of the artworks that propose critical thoughts about this situation we have developed also four practical art-projects. The first is titled Zona de Recreo. In this artwork we propose a reformulation of the urban furniture modified by the new technologies. The second project is A central Axis; an interactive installation that monitors and represents the different uses of the spaces of social communication in the digital and physical worlds. A Trip Around a Magic Puzzle is the third project, in which we have created a symbolic representation of the hybrid space of social relation using a puzzle as game interface. The fourth and last project is Red Libre Red Visible. This artwork proposes the representation of the digital information interchanged between computers connected to a wireless network. It allows to interchange information (video, text, image, sound, 3D models, etc..) superimposed to the physical space, creating a digital graffiti.
Keywords/Search Tags:Space, Digital, New, Urban
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