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Evaluating the impact of building information modeling (BIM) on construction

Posted on:2010-08-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of FloridaCandidate:Suermann, Patrick CFull Text:PDF
This research assessed the impact of Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation on construction projects according to six primary key performance indicators (KPIs) commonly used in the construction industry as accepted metrics for assessing project performance. These include: quality control (rework), on-time completion, cost, safety (lost man-hours), dollars/unit (square feet) performed, and units (square feet) per man hour. In the first research phase, data was collected through a survey instrument intended to assess practitioners' perceptions about the impact of BIM on the six KPIs. Three iterations of the survey were conducted and it was determined that the highest ranking KPIs in order of most favorable responses were quality control, on time completion, and units per man hour. The second tier of favorable responses included overall cost and cost per unit. In this second phase of research, projects were evaluated through interviews and case studies on-site at two U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) Districts in Seattle, WA and Louisville, KY to determine their KPIs through embedded research. In the third phase of research, quantitative results were gathered from the USACE construction productivity database interface: the Resident Management System (RMS). Subsequently the pilot projects were compared to a control dataset consisting of similar facilities across the USACE using traditional approaches through benchmarks aligned with metrics similar to the KPIs used in the surveys. Both BIM-based projects demonstrated statistically significant (favorable and unfavorable) performance differences when compared to the control dataset. Finally, an evaluation tool was developed and validated for implementing a construction productivity measurement system to supplement existing procedures suitable for evaluating construction productivity differences on BIM-based projects.
Keywords/Search Tags:BIM, Construction, Projects, Impact
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