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Causal product knowledge management

Posted on:2011-03-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Wayne State UniversityCandidate:Kim, Yun SeonFull Text:PDF
The US engineering industry base is facing a significant loss of knowledge due to large numbers of employees retiring in the next decade. Problems in various product developments including product design may arise when the expertise is no longer available or the knowledge is forgotten. Also, most of product design knowledge is not reusable, because product design knowledge in an organization remains un-codified. Generally, knowledge-based system can solve or infer these problems. However, knowledge-based systems have been developed solely through the use of rule-based approach, which allows for easy modeling of expert reasoning, but such an approach is not general and for a specific use; thus, existing experience and analyses show that this approach has serious limitations on associations between observable findings and diagnostic hypotheses. Furthermore, the product development knowledge cannot be appropriately acquired, represented, and reused by these techniques. To address these challenges, this research develops new methodologies and tools to capture, represent, store, and reuse domain knowledge from experts and implement a novel web-based causal product design knowledge management system to systematically utilize the knowledge from experts, who are currently working or retired. The particular emphasis is on these research areas: (1) design knowledge acquisition, (2) causal knowledge representation, (3) causal knowledge evaluation and index, (4) causal knowledge integration, (5) and causal design knowledge management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Causal, Design knowledge, Product
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