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Nuclear fusion of advanced fuels using converging focused ion beams

Posted on:2011-08-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Wisconsin - MadisonCandidate:Egle, Brian JamesFull Text:PDF
The Six Ion Gun Fusion Experiment (SIGFE) was designed and built to investigate a possible avenue to increase the reaction rate efficiency of the D-D and D-3He nuclear fusion reactions in Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC) devices to the levels required for several non-electric applications of nuclear fusion. The SIGFE is based on the seminal IEC experiment published by Hirsch in 1967, and is the first experiment to recreate the results and unique features of the Hirsch device.;The SIGFE used six identical ion beams to focus and converge deuterium and helium-3 ions into a sphere of less than 2 mm at nearly mono-energetic ion energies up to 150 keV. With improved ion optics and diagnostics, the SIGFE concluded that within the investigated parameter space, the region where the ion beams converged accounted for less than 0.2% of the total D-D fusion reactions. The maximum D-D fusion rates were observed when the ion beams were intentionally defocused to strike the inside surface of the cathode lenses. In this defocused state, the total D-D fusion rate increased when the chamber pressure was decreased. The maximum D-D fusion rate was 4.3 x 107 neutrons per second at a cathode voltage of -130 kV, a total cathode current of 10 mA, and a chamber pressure of 27 mPa.;The D and 3He ion beams were produced in six self-contained ion gun modules. The modules were each capable of at least 4 mA of ion current while maintaining a main chamber pressure as low as 13 mPa. The theoretically calculated extractable ion current agreed with the experiment within a factor of 2.;A concept was also developed and evaluated for the production of radioisotopes from the 14.7 MeV D-3He fusion protons produced in an IEC device. Monte Carlo simulations of this concept determined that a D-3He fusion rate on the order of 1011 s-1 would be required for an IEC device to produce 1 mCi of the 11C radioisotope.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ion, SIGFE, IEC, Experiment
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