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GIS intrasite spatial analysis of Magdalenian sites in the Paris Basin

Posted on:2011-08-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York at BuffaloCandidate:Keeler, Dustin MichaelFull Text:PDF
This dissertation is an example of the use of GIS to define the spatial structure within Magdalenian sites in the Paris Basin of France. The sites examined are open-air sites that were occupied during the Late Upper Paleolithic period around 13,000 years before present. A variety of spatial analysis techniques were applied to the data including Kernel Density Estimates and spatial class clustering to define and characterize the spatial structure of the sites. The results were interpreted within a microarchaeology theoretical framework in order to create a spatial-temporal model of site occupation. The definition of the spatial structure involves the division of the occupation surface into individual habitation units, specialized activity areas and refuse dumps. This is followed by a detailed examination of the local spatial structures such as the small-scale activity areas. These local areas may then be temporally related using artifact refitting data.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spatial, Magdalenian sites, Paris basin, Activity areas
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