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Research On The Influence Of Ecological Innovation On Enterprise Performance

Posted on:2019-12-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1369330572966864Subject:Business management
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The implementation of the reform and opening up policy has brought about the rapid development of China's economy,but the environmental pollution problem arising from the industrialization process has also become a major obstacle to China's further development.The "18th National Congress" and the "19th National Congress" on the construction of "beautiful China" initiatives and development goals have already faced the important issues of ecological civilization system reform and ecological civilization system construction.Green innovation development has become the basic of China's current economic and social development.consensus.This means that the era of high-energy and high-pollution development at the expense of the environment has passed,and the "three bottom line" sustainable development model,which emphasizes the economy,the environment and the benefits,is emphasized at this stage.Among them,the "enterprise",which is the main participant in social production,naturally faces the dual criteria of performance and environmental protection.The improvement of its own performance while taking into account environmental responsibility has become the primary problem that must be solved in the current sustainable development of the enterprise.Based on the theory and practice,history and reality of ecological innovation and enterprise performance improvement and the relationship between the two,based on basic resource theory,institutional theory and corporate governance theory,this paper starts from the ecological innovation of enterprises and carries on its antecedents and consequences.Analysis;here,the precaution emphasizes the key factors that influence or drive the ecological innovation of the enterprise.The consequence emphasizes the impact of ecological innovation on the ability of enterprise resources to acquire,the economic performance of the enterprise and the environmental performance.On this basis,the general path of enterprise ecological innovation to promote enterprise performance improvement is put forward.Taking 316 companies as samples,this paper analyzes and tests 33 theoretical hypotheses in the path of ecological innovation to improve corporate performance,and finally forms research conclusions and implications for policy formulation and optimization.The core of this research is mainly focused on four aspects:First,based on the related literature based on institutional theory and innovation theory,the paper analyzes the influencing factors of enterprise ecological innovation from internal and external perspectives,and extracts four factors that affect enterprise ecological innovation.The key factors and their measurement indicators trace the antecedents of the enterprise's ecological innovation impact on the performance of the enterprise,construct an analytical framework for the factors affecting the ecological innovation of the enterprise,and lay the foundation for the analysis of the impact of ecological innovation on the performance of the enterprise;The analysis of legitimacy explores the impact of ecological innovation on the acquisition of enterprise resources from the perspectives of moral legitimacy,regulatory legitimacy and practical legitimacy.Furthermore,it analyzes the two aspects of enterprise from the inside and the outside from the technical,material and relationship dimensions.The enterprise has acquired the resources that affect performance,and then established the general path framework for enterprise ecological innovation to influence the performance improvement of enterprises;the third is to distinguish the enterprise performance under the influence of enterprise ecological innovation into economic performance and environmental performance,and then examine the ecological innovation pair.The direct impact of corporate economic performance and environmental performance,and discussion Enterprise eco-innovation influences the mediating effect of resource acquisition of economic performance and environmental performance,and thus establishes the whole process analysis framework of "influence factor-ecological innovation-enterprise performance”;fourthly,it is based on the previous cause and effect of corporate eco-innovation affecting enterprise performance improvement.The analysis framework of the mechanism of consequences,put forward 33 theoretical hypotheses,design empirical solutions,and empirically analyze the whole path of ecological innovation affecting the performance improvement of enterprises,and finally form conclusions and give policy suggestions and inspirations.Closely related to the above four aspects,the full text is divided into introduction,theoretical basis and literature review,the influencing factors of enterprise ecological innovation and empirical analysis,the mechanism analysis of ecological innovation affecting enterprise performance improvement,and the empirical model of the impact of ecological innovation on corporate performance.The empirical analysis of the impact of ecological innovation on the improvement of corporate performance,the conclusions and inspirations of the seven parts,based on the background of China's economic restructuring and strengthening the development of ecological development,the analysis model of the factors influencing the ecological innovation of enterprises and the analysis of the impact of ecological innovation on corporate performance The model summarizes the general path of corporate Eco-innovation affecting corporate performance improvement,and conducts empirical analysis and testing based on survey data.The various parts are logically connected,complement each other and closely related to each other.The analysis of this paper believes that the direct impact of corporate ecological innovation on corporate performance is uncertain.The acquisition of resources under the influence of ecological innovation is the intermediary of ecological innovation affecting corporate performance.This uncertainty is manifested by the negative relationship between corporate ecological innovation and corporate economic performance in a short period of investigation.Although the negative impact is not very strong,there is a gap between corporate ecological innovation and environmental performance.A more obvious positive relationship.This supports the view that due to the positive externalities of corporate ecological innovation,that is,if this positive external spillover cannot be effectively internalized,the resources used by the enterprise to produce positive external income will be transformed into the impairment of corporate performance.Factors,and thus corporate eco-innovation,while meeting environmental regulatory goals,undermine economic performance.There is an important policy inspiration,that is,the incentive policy of enterprise ecological innovation should pay attention to its impact on corporate performance.The effective design of various systems and incentives can not only focus on environmental governance issues,but also contribute to the inclination of resources to the green development field.Once enterprises can achieve resource acquisition capacity and scale through ecological innovation,ecological innovation can be truly internalized.Practical actions of daily business management.The pressure brought by market competition is the basic force that drives enterprises to implement eco-innovation strategy.The exertion of this power is obviously affected by the attitude of executives.The superposition of market competition pressure and government regulatory pressure can form a further promotion of corporate ecological innovation.power.Market competition also includes competition for consumer goods markets and competition for production inputs.The concept of green consumption is deeply rooted in people's minds.Consumers' demand for green products and service consumption can effectively induce enterprises to implement ecological innovation strategies.Ecological innovations may be pollution prevention innovations such as production processes and process reengineering.Pollution-based ecological innovation,together with the pioneers of ecological innovation,intensify the competition of enterprises in the field of input products,and form a mechanism to reverse the ecological innovation of enterprises.It should be emphasized that the implementation of the Eco-innovation strategy by enterprises in response to external competition is significantly affected by the attitude of corporate executives.Therefore,in the process of promoting enterprise ecological innovation,the market mechanism should be given full attention,fostering environmental awareness and advocating green consumption concepts.At the same time,efforts should be made to improve internal corporate governance,cooperate with market competition mechanism and factor flow mechanism to form green consumption and The power of production-driven enterprise ecological innovation.Government factors are one of the key factors that promote enterprises to implement ecological innovation and thus improve corporate performance;executive attitudes have significant regulatory effects in government regulation affecting corporate ecological innovation,and the superposition of government regulatory forces and market competitiveness will lead to corporate ecological innovation.Form further actuation.Government regulations and policies are direct constraints on corporate behavior.The disciplinary power possessed by the government is a direct shock to the company's non-compliance or illegal behavior.At the same time,the government also has a large amount of resources in the hands of the government,and the corporate behavior is recognized by the government.Opportunities to obtain more favorable resources from the government will not only help the company expand its scale to obtain economies of scale,but also help companies reduce costs and expand sales to increase profit margins.Empirical analysis also confirms that government factors are the key factors affecting corporate ecological innovation.After examining the interaction between the government and the market,the government and the managers,and the relationship between the government and the enterprise,it is found that the redundant resources owned by the enterprise have no significant effect on the environmental innovation of the government regulation,and the interaction between the two has not passed the significant test.Explain that the realization of government authority is not subject to the fact that the enterprise actually has the resources.Under the government's regulatory power,the actual effect of corporate ecological innovation is also significantly affected by the attitude of corporate executives.In other words,the attitude of executives has a significant regulatory effect in the impact of government regulation on corporate ecological innovation.Moreover,the superposition of government regulatory power and market competitiveness will further form the power to promote corporate ecological innovation.Therefore,the government's policy formulation in fiscal,taxation,resources,environment,talent and finance should form an effective synergy with the market mechanism,and comprehensively apply positive incentives and negative incentives instead of simply implementing stringent disciplinary measures.Organizational resource redundancy is an important positive factor for enterprise ecological innovation,but the size of this positive force is closely related to the attitude of executives.Enterprise ecological innovation requires a certain amount of production resources,and redundant resources provide more flexible financial and action space for enterprise ecological innovation.However,if the heterogeneity of resources required for ecological innovation is taken into consideration,the current redundant resources of the enterprise may be Not enough to support enterprises to implement ecological innovation policies.In this regard,empirical analysis finds that although the resource redundancy of enterprises has a positive impact on ecological innovation;however,in the interaction with other factors,only the mediation effect of market competition on the impact of ecological innovation is redundant.Relationship interactions are not obvious.This shows that when market competition drives enterprises to implement ecological innovation strategy,the resource structure,nature and state that enterprises currently possess and control have a tight effect;but other interactions are not significant,which indicates that the realization of government power is not subject to enterprise resources.The embarrassment also shows that once the senior executives of the company decide to implement the ecological innovation strategy,the current ownership and dominance of the resources will be reduced,because the firm will of the executives means that they will try to break through the current ecological innovation.Resources are tight.This means that it is of great practical significance to promote the innovation of resources from both internal and external methods to serve ecological innovation with flexible institutional design and governance mechanisms.The attitude of managers to corporate ecological innovation is crucial.The positive attitude of senior executives has a significant regulatory effect in the mechanism of redundant resources,market competition and government regulation affecting corporate ecological innovation,highlighting the direction of corporate decision makers And the important impact of the speed of development.It reveals the importance of strengthening executive environmental education in the process of promoting enterprise ecological innovation.At the same time,due to the special status of senior management in the enterprise,strengthen internal corporate governance,put the interests of corporate stakeholders into practice,incorporate green indicators in the assessment of senior management,and conduct green credit reporting on executive behavior.As an important measure that can affect the ecological innovation of enterprises,we attach importance to it.Compared with the previous literature,the above analysis highlights the following novelties:First,summarizing the analysis framework of key factors and their interactions affecting the ecological innovation of enterprises.On the basis of relevant theoretical literature,from the perspective of internal and external factors of the enterprise,the key factors affecting the ecological innovation of the enterprise are summarized.And the relationship between key factors affects the analytical framework of enterprise ecological innovation,and carries out empirical analysis.From theory to empirical evidence,it draws realistic conclusions,emphasizes the policy formulation to promote enterprise ecological innovation,and should fully consider market competition.The state of enterprise resources and the important influence of top management have enriched and expanded the theoretical and practical space for enterprise ecological innovation research;Secondly,it puts forward the general path that enterprise ecological innovation affects the performance improvement of enterprises.The analysis points out that the improvement of organizational legitimacy by ecological innovation strengthens the ability of enterprise resources to acquire,and analyzes the internal and external access to resources from the technical dimension and material dimension and relationship,and then forms and improves the economic performance and environmental performance of the enterprise.The impact and conducted an empirical study.The path reveals that there should be a more comprehensive and systematic understanding of the role of ecological innovation in corporate performance;emphasizing the support of market mechanisms,which will help to improve the various systems and incentives for enterprise resource acquisition,which will not only help improve corporate performance,but also promote ecological Innovative internalization in daily practical actions can also be a powerful complement to government regulation.Thirdly,from the perspectives and perspectives of the internal and external factors and their relationship interactions affecting the ecological innovation of enterprises and thus the improvement of corporate performance,it is found that the positive attitude of senior executives in the redundant resources,market competition and government regulation affects the ecological innovation of enterprises.The mechanism has significant regulatory effects,revealing managers' ecological education,strengthening internal governance and incorporating green indicators in executive performance appraisal,and the importance of implementing green credit measures for executives,on real enterprise management and enterprises.Green innovation practice has important inspiration.Fourth,in the analysis of various factors affecting the ecological innovation of enterprises and their interaction,the particularity of the redundancy of enterprise resources is found.When market competition drives enterprises to implement ecological innovation strategy,the resource structure,nature and state that enterprises already possess or control are important tightening forces;but the interaction between resource redundancy and other factors is not significant,indicating the realization of government environmental regulation power Unaffected by the state of enterprise resources;when the corporate executives form a firm will to implement ecological innovation,the tightening power of the enterprise's resource status will decline,both of which indicate that the state of resources owned by the enterprise does not constitute a rejection of the enterprise.An excuse or dominant force for ecological innovation.It is of great practical significance to promote enterprises to explore resource potential from internal and external methods to serve ecological innovation,and to force the institutional arrangement of enterprise ecological innovation with market competition and government regulation.Fifth,the attitude of managers to corporate ecological innovation is crucial.The positive attitude of senior executives not only has significant regulatory effects in the mechanisms that affect corporate ecological innovation,but also influences economic performance and environmental performance in ecological innovation.The analysis also has important influences.The performance is as follows:First,the environmental protection attitude of senior executives plays an adjustment role of resource acquisition as an intermediary in the improvement of corporate ecological innovation.Second,the acquisition of enterprise resources affects the performance improvement of enterprises.It plays a mediating role in regulating the environmental protection attitude of senior executives.Reveal the importance of managing environmental education.
Keywords/Search Tags:ecological innovation, enterprise performance, economic performance, environmental performance
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