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Research On Social Work Management Of Chinese Universities Based On Ecosystem Theory

Posted on:2018-03-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1367330515985045Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There are significant differences in social work between Chinese and foreign universities,and the social work management in Chinese universities is biased.Therefore,the demand for localized innovation of social management in Chinese universities is becoming stronger.Research on social work management in Chinese universities is not only beneficial to promote the construction of its theoretical system and the development of its disciplinary system,but also to solve the practical problems of social work management in universities and to enhance students'awareness and ability of social work.In the field of social work management,research conducted abroad focuses more on the significan ce,operational system and working model of the school social work,while domestic research places more emphasis on the definition and characteristics of the school social work and its significance,development process,working model,and intervention method.However,social work management research in the Chinese context has yet explicitly defined the concept of school social work and adequately constructed and discussed its theoretical framework and working mechanism.Therefore,theoretical exploration with a multi-intervention and systematic integration perspective is needed.The present study synthesizes the existing literature,identifies and analyzes concrete problems,makes reference to foreign experience,constructs unique theoretical framework,and explores practical mechanisms.Major methods used in this study include literature research,questionnaire and comparative research.Social work management in universities is a series of management behaviors conducted by institutional administrators to promote effective operation of school social work management and achieve goals such as helping the disadvantaged and helping one to help oneself.These behaviors are normally conducted under certain guidelines and in accordance with the theories and methods of social work,and they normally,integrate the subjects,content,and means of social work in universities.The social work management of universities is professionalized with clear targets,and it is able to lead and decentralized.It is valuable to human development,work operation and social progress.Research in the light of Ecosystem Theory can be a new breakthrough to the study of social work management in universities.Ecosystem Theory emphasizes that the environment is a set of embedded structures.Individuals are in the middle or embedded in several environmental systems from a direct environment to an indirect environment.Each system develops by interacting with other systems and individuals.The present study transforms the four levels of ecosystems into three circles of macro,meso and microcosmic environments,and provides good social services to college teachers and students considering the requirements of role theory.History can work as a mirror.Reviewing history is conducive to us to see the future development.The social work and its management in Chinese universities have experienced four stages:budding,transformation,standardization and system construction.It gradually establishes certain Chinese characteristics,for example,the priority of the organizational call and publicizing.The establishment of strategies for staff arrangements and activity promotion,the creation of the work atmosphere to students,and solve problems of work atmosphere,and the working habits of emphasizing evaluation and efficiency.In the context of the current reform of public institutions,China's school reform has been activated.This is a good opportunity for the development of social work in universities.The social work management in universities involves the management of the subjects,institutions,objects,content procedures,means effectiveness and feedback.The researcher self-compiled questionnaire and distributed it to 160 Chinese undergraduate institutions using online questionnaire website.The research found that the current social work management in Chinese universities has many problems.The problems include unnoticeable management subject,non-professional management institution,incomplete management coverage,chaotic management content,unreasonable management process,limited use of social resources,unsatisfactory management effect,and underdeveloped promotional incentives and feedback capability.The reasons for these problems include the lack of awareness of the importance of social work in universities,the lack of professional knowledge of the administrators,the lack of use of student volunteers and social volunteers,the slow professionalization of social work management,and the lack of support from social institutions and non-governmental organizations to support the lack of social work and other objective aspects.The field of social work management is looking forward to taking targeted measures to call for the construction of social work in universities and its multi-dimensional mechanism.Learning foreign experience for Chinese use is inspirational.It benefits the country and its people.American college social work management has experienced four stages:the budding,growth,challenge and integration,and its content covers the management of mental health services,learning counseling services,and management and career counseling services.Its model mainly consists of the clinical management model,community-school integration management model,school environment change management model,individuality interaction management model and so on.Lessons can be learned include the development of social work in universities is closely related to the economic and social development of the society,the specialization and professionalization of social work management are the guarantee of its positive development of the society,the government and civil forces can jointly promote the development of social work and the construction of multiple-faceted university social work services system.The development of social work management in South Korean universities has experienced the beginning,generation,maturity and optimization stages.Its contents include school health and relief services,safety monitoring and student dormitory services,teacher and student behavior correction and psychological counseling,and so on.Its pattern is diversified,including models based on student self-organization and management,the church-assisted management,and the direct purchase of community services.Its experience emphasizes the opinion-oriented value if policy and public,the changes of the economic and social development,and attach the influence of Confucian culture and traditional genes.The researcher argues that the social and social system model in universities can be constructed from the macro,meso,and micro perspectives,with the experience of the United States and South Korea combined with China's national context.The social work management system of universities is an interactive system which is controlled by multiple entities and subjected to internal and external environmental factors.Each subject has different roles and functions in different circle environment,and has gradually affected the management of social work in universities respectively.The macro environment includes the traditional culture and social customs,the policy conditions and the public media opinion,and the international situation and the community atmosphere.The meso environment includes the institutional organization,faculty and staff and campus culture.The micro environment includes the class,the dormitory,student organizations,and the friend circle etc.At the same time,macro,meso and micro environmental system constraints among each other to jointly promote the orderly operation of social work management system.The practice mechanism of social work management in universities is represented in four dimensions:subject,content,process and effect.The four-dimensional interacts,and forms a diamond structure.On the subject dimensions,the management needs to form a mechanism that features mutual respect among subjects,collaborations and information sharing,and strives to achieve multi-subject linkage in school social work.On the content dimension,the management needs to form a mechanism that features identifying position,highlighting focus,and keeping up with the current,promoting the synergy of social work management content in universities.On the effectiveness dimension,the management needs to form a mechanism that features incentive and guidance,regulation,and accountability,and inspection protecting the effectiveness of the feedback management of social work in universities.In this four-dimension mechanism system,four dimensions work together,and at the same time each dimension can appear independently and influencing others to the overall effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social work, University social work management, Ecosystem, Practice mechanism
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