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Research On The Cultivation Of College Students' Devotion Values

Posted on:2018-02-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1367330515985012Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
College students are an important part of youth,and the future of the country and the hope of the nation,how to cultivate college students professional values,the relationship with the development trend of their occupation,the relationship between the fate of the country.Put forward the party's 18,advocating prosperous,strong,democratic,civilized and harmonious,advocating freedom,equality,justice,rule of law,advocating patriotic,dedicated,honest,friendly,actively cultivate and practice the socialist core values.Prosperous,strong,democratic,civilized and harmonious is the value goal of national level,freedom,equality,justice,rule of law is the value orientation of social level,patriotic,dedicated,sincere,friendly is the value criterion on the level of individual citizens,the 24 words is the basic content of socialist core values.This paper puts forward the requirement of professional dedication from the individual level,and provides theoretical support for the cultivation of professional values of university students.To strengthen college students' professional values,to guide theprofessional conduct of college students,to solve the problems existing in the current college students' career,enhance the professional quality of college students.This is also the need of the development of talents in the socialist market,which is the need of comprehensive development of college students and the need of realizing the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.Based on the existing relevant research results in Marx's theory,with the combination of theory and practice principle,using literature research,system analysis,empirical research methods,first of all,the professional values of related concepts,clarify the professional values and professionalism,occupation spirit and other socialist core the values of the relevance,from the professional status of current college students,characteristics,social roles,explains the importance of cultivating students' professional values.Secondly,through the research on the current status of college students and industry values,the current college students' professional values cultivation problems were analyzed through quantitative analysis.We found that college students do not pay enough attention to the professional values of college students professional values education content is biased,college students' values cultivation is dedicated Single and college students' values education professional evaluation system is not scientific problems.Analysis of the specific reasons including social structure,culture and public opinion environment leads to the diversity of values,the difference of university moral education and occupation education and social development,family education and values change and social development gap and even conflict,with the new era of college students and groups of college students psychological character and unique factors,and specifically from the stakeholders of the summary of the empirical analysis was made on the students professional values cultivation inspiration;Then elaborated the principle of Cultivating College Students' dedication values corresponding to the method and security system;and finally discusses the cultivation mechanism of College Students' professional values,on the basis of the above analysis,combined with the I SR three factor model,put forward the corresponding measures from the internalization mechanism and outside mechanism angle respectively,should be stressed by to improve the awareness,enhance the emotional identity,understanding and thinking reshape the mindset of professional values form internalize the mechanism to promote college students' professional values of empathy and emotional awareness.To cultivate college students' professional values should start from the angle of the combination of the students themselves,family and society,and construct training system of comprehensive university.Students should pay attention to their own behavior,from the beginning of learning in understanding professional values,establish lofty ideals through science;The practice of college students professional values training activities;communication mechanism and family construction,improve the effectiveness of the family and the College of communication;colleges and universities through the improvement of guiding mechanism,the use of teaching carrier to train students' professional values;strengthen the cooperation between University and society,the use of social media,strengthen the propaganda college students' dedication values,joint ventures,strive for more practice college students the opportunity to cultivate students' professional values.Culture,China socialist successors,to achieve "China dream.Specific research and analysis process is as follows:The first part is the introduction.Mainly elaborated the background and significance of this paper,based on the dedication,professionalism,definition and cultivation of the core concept of dedicated values of college students,in order to lay the foundation for the full text of the study.On the basis of current study situation,discusses the key point of this research,finally introduces the research content.The ideas and methods,and possible innovations.The theoretical basis and historical evolution of the students' work ethic in the second part of the university.First of all,from Marx and the Chinese Communist Party leaders on the value of the spirit and dedication to the cultivation of discourse,laid the foundation for the cultivation of College Students' values.Second,in the thought origin analysis in detail on the basis of combing and expounds from the socialist core values is put forward in the early liberation,the historical evolution of about college students'professional values cultivation in our country,and the experiences and lessons of college students' professional values to foster,for this study can provide a valuable reference for cultivating college students' professional values and reference.The third part of the university is an empirical analysis of the status of the students'work ethic.This chapter has carried on the investigation on the current situation in college students' professional values cultivation,through the survey and analysis,it is concluded that the professional values to cultivate university students at present,the professional values to foster college students the problems existed in the present situation and college students' professional values to foster the status quo analysis of the causes of problems.The fourth part of the university is the cultivation mechanism of the work ethic.This chapter firstly discusses the internalization mechanism and externalizing mechanism of college students' professional values.Among them,the internalization mechanism(that is,in this paper,the idea that college students' professional values in the transforming mechanism)to college students as the main body in professional values to foster its own cognitive,recognition and behavior in practice the process of professional values;Externalization mechanism(that is,in this paper,the influence factors of college students' professional values of cultivating mechanism)from organizing training professional values of college students,families,social practice and voluntary service four aspects.Then,from accepting subject,accepting object and accepting fixator,accept environment and system level of perfecting the mechanism of college students' professional values cultivation were summarized.The fifth part is the method and carrier of the students' work ethic.First,this paper discusses the college students' professional values cultivation should follow the basic principles,secondly,the method of induction to cultivate college students' professional values,carrier and its innovation.The sixth part of the college students' work ethic is recommended.First of all,is put forward to realize the consciousness of college students the value of professional values is made,secondly,through the process of education and the construction of socialist ethics,promoting college students' professional values,in the end,"four one"cultivating model is put forward.Through the study in the cultivation of college students' professional values,to deepen college students' professional values of identity of socialist core values,thus further guide students to set up and practice of professional values conform to the requirements of The Times,inspire young students brave hard-working,dedicated,specialty and intelligence,positive innovation,contribute to the development of society and progress.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, professional values, cultivation research
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