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A Comparative Study Of Zhou Zuoren's And Kwangsoo Lee's Literary Thoughts

Posted on:2021-02-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330605952247Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhou Zuoren and kwangsoo Lee,as representatives of modern literature in China and Korea,lived in almost identical time and shared many similar experiences.China and Korea belong to the East Asian cultural circle,and have undergone similar social changes and transformations since modern times under the influence of Western culture.In addition,within East Asia,both were invaded and influenced by Western powers,as well as by Japanese aggression,and Korea was even forcibly annexed by Japan.In such an international environment in East Asia,although Zhou Zuoren and Kwangsoo Lee were from different countries,the cultural psychological feelings of the two people had a lot in common.They were similar in life experiences and literary thoughts.Therefore,through the comparative study of the literary thoughts of the two,we can see the background of their literary growth,and we can compare the same and different aspects of their literary thoughts,from which we can draw the value dimension of their literary thoughts.This thesis is divided into five parts.The first part compares the unique life experiences of Zhou Zuoren and Kwangsoo Lee and finds the source of their literary thoughts.They both underwent the great changes of the traditional society,which made their life experiences full of twists and turns and affected their choices of their literary path against the background of the exertion of Western forces on Eastern countries.Zhou Zuoren read traditional Chinese classics from an early age and received good traditional cultural education such as Sinology.He also received a new education in Jiangnan Naval School and were exposed to Western literature.After that,he studied in Japan and came into contact with a large number of Japanese literature and Western literature.After returning to China,he became a representative figure in the new literature of the May 4th period,famous for his promotion of “human literature” and the publication of a large number of beautiful essaye.Later,he served the Japanese pseudo-regime and left behind the historical stain and spent the rest of his life in poverty and desolation.Kwangsoo Lee learned the ancient Chinese from his father at home from an early age and also the relevant content in the old-style private school.Because of his personal illness,family poverty and the early death of his parents,he got to know what poverty,severe illness and death meant sooner.He studied in Japan twice,which laid the cultural foundation for him as a writer.“The literature of love” became the basic idea of his literature,and he rose to fame for publishing a large number of enlightening and popular literature.Later he went to the pro-Japanese reverse road,leaving a historical stain on life.The life experience and literary thought formed under the influence of the times are one of the important comparable aspects between the two writers,and these common comparable aspects are one of the important prerequisites for us to study and compare the two writers.The second part compares the understanding of and influence on Zhou Zuoren and Kwangsoo Lee in literary thought.Both are pioneers of modern literary thoughts in their own country.They were familiar with the classical literature in traditional culture,and at the same time,they also rejected the feudal thought in the traditional culture,so they showed obvious anti-feudal thought in their literary thoughts.They were also deeply influenced by the thoughts of Western and Japanese philosophers and writers,and on this basis they constructed their own literary ideas.It is worth mentioning that they made great contributions to the dissemination and introduction of new literature in their respective countries,and we can feel the shining parts of their literary ideas through reading their relevant works.“Human Literature” is the core of Zhou Zuoren's literary thought,and his literature is full of humanitarianism and the idea of respecting “human” “personality”.“The Literature of Love” is an important content of Kwangsoo Lee's idealistic enlightenment literary thought,which embodies the literary value proposition of truth and beauty by advocating the idealistic thought of personality liberation and independent personality.The third part compares Zhou Zuoren's and Kwangsoo Lee's literary thoughts of universal fraternity and humananitarianism.They both greatly appreciated the fraternity and dedication advocated by Christianity.Although the two men differed slightly in their perception of the specific content,they were almost the same in terms of the Christian spirit,which was reflected in the use of the concepts of equality,fraternity,humanitarianism and so on in literaty thought.The fourth part compares the literary thoughts of Zhou Zuoren's individual literature and Kwangsoo Lee's national literature.The different characteristics of their literature are manifested in individualism and nationalist literary thought.Zhou Zuoren's literature shows obvious individualistic value orientation,and Kwangsoo Lee's Literature,which is marked by national transformation,shows a distinct nationalistic value orientation.To this end,the comparative and anti-comparison research methods are used to compare Zhou Zuoren's individualistic literary thought with Kwangsoo Lee's nationalist literary thought.The fifth part mainly discusses and compares the value dimension of Zhou Zuoren's and Kwangsoo Lee's literature.The main discussion is mainly around the author and the times,literature and the dimensions of the times,the dimensions of literature and society,the author's inner dimension of artistic expression,etc.,so as to debelop the discovery and understanding of his literary value dimension.The era of great changes gave birth to new literary proposition,which are new literary forms and new literary ideas completely different from the traditional ones.It is because they took the lead and grasped the theme of the times that they occupied an important position in the history of the new literature in their respective countries,and become the pioneers of the times and new literature.They both expressed the inherent artistic value of literature in different literary forms.Zhou Zuoren's literary representative is the prose,and Kwangsoo Lee's literary representative is the novel,both showing the consistency of the text,the new style,the national style of their national languages,the integration and originality of the creation.Although with different styles in the literary form,their works share similar inherent literary value in literary thought.In conclusion,the five parts described above,through the analysis of comparative characteristics such as the same,different,complementary,etc.of the parallel research method of the comparatine research methods,evaluate and discuss writers and times,literature sande times,literature society,literature and society,writers and literary and artistic internal expression and other literary value dimensions from a broader East Asian and even global perspective,interpreting these two outstanding writers and the values of their literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhou Zuoren, Kwangsoo Lee, Literary Thoughts, Comparative Study
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