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Research On Liu Heng's Film And Television Literature

Posted on:2020-04-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330602455005Subject:Theater, film and television
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The history of the film over the past 100 years shows that literature is the "material base of film",and Chinese film has always maintained a close relationship with literature.In the mid-1980 s and early 1990 s,there was an art peak in the film industry of China."The Fifth Generation" of the film director has risen,establishing the world image of Chinese film,who have left a lot of classic works in the history of film.Among these works appeared Liu Heng's figure in the creation of film and television literature.Afterwards,in the mid to late 1990 s,Chinese film embraced the second peak in the Chinese New Period,for example,under the influence of the "New Realism Literature",the creators including Liu Heng explores the living conditions of people from the real state of reality and presenting reality with a more close-to-life technique of writing.No matter from the aspect of the length of time devoted to film and television creation,the number of works created,or from the artistic achievement,commercial reputation,Liu Heng is well worth being called a typical representative,whose creative practice and works deserve to be studied in depth.Script is the carrier of words,while words are the voice of the heart.Liu Heng's inner character and creative idea are the main forces supporting his film and television literature creation.He is modest and gentle,with rich experiences in life and literary culture,who is able to adhere to the sense of social mission,converging words into life,constantly expressing deep thoughts in script writing.First of all,he thinks that writing novels and writing scripts are the same,as long as they can express the author's thoughts,either way is meaningful.Secondly,he can correctly understand the comprehensiveness of film and television art creation.Film and television literature is only one of the elements,so he proposes that the creators pursue the meaning in this link.Thirdly,Liu Heng expressed his understanding of the appropriate changes to the script after the shoot.However,because of the sense of responsibility for the works,he will not let others modify it randomly,but insist on his own principle in "compromise".In addition,he has his own clear ideas on the issues of adaptation,structure of works and shaping of characters.Liu Heng embarked on the road of film and television literature creation under the influence of internal and external forces.The end of the Cultural Revolution and the pluralistic thoughts brought about by Reform and Opening-Up have brought another "honeymoon period" to Chinese literature and film creation,which contributed as the external force.Liu Heng's achievements in the creation of novels,his role as the leading figure of new realistic novels,and his advantages in the conception of the story,the choice of the theme,the shaping of the characters and the mastery of the language are the internal factors.Liu Heng's early practice of film and television mainly focused on the adaptation of his own novels.Later,he shifted the adaptation to other people's novels,expanded the range for adaptation,and had a breakthrough in the quality and quantity of film and television literature,gradually forming his own adaptation philosophy and creative principles,finally entering the stage of direct creation of film and television literature.His role consciousness is established and his creation is becoming more mature.Liu Heng's film and television literature has rich themes,mainly including the following aspects:first,facing the nature of sex directly;second,fatal view presented through the characters'behavior and fatal ending;then,focusing on the ordinary people at the bottom of the society and excavation of traditional values such as kindness,open-mindedness,and integrity;next,interpretation of the relationship between war and humanity------war is a cold and ruthless means of violence,while humanity is a soft,warm apartment.Could war finally defeat the warmth and annihilate humanity with its cruelty?Liu Heng presents his thoughts in his works;finally,his rich interpretation of the spiritual connotation of the main melody of the times,"The Knot"(???)and"Assembly"(???)reflect the characteristics of the new theme.His creations always follow the times and he is always capable of keeping a clear head,delicately feeling and caring for the changes that happen to people with literature,as well as describing the value of precious character such as faith,courage,perseverance,sincerity,and beauty under the impact of the external environment.Liu Heng puts shaping characters and characterizing characters in the first place.The general purpose of his works is to reveal the truth of existence with the pen in his hand,thus exploring the philosophical significance of human life.The exploration is naturally inseparable from the complicated story of "people and life".Overall,Liu Heng uses images in line with the public's aesthetic taste and the trend of the times,such as “Female under the perspective of male”,"Little people" struggling in life,heroic male,all kinds of secondary characters and group of characters,all of which are deeply appreciated by the viewers.Especially about the positioning of heroes,Liu Heng has always insists that "everyone has a hero in his heart".The characters are more down-to-earth,who can truly appeal to the public and strike a chord of the audience.Liu Heng's film and television literature has a rich and diverse plot structure.Dramatic plot is more common,which is the persistence of our narrative tradition and nationality.This kind of plot adopts a gradual beginning.With the slow movement of the lens,the story begins,the characters gradually appear,and the relationship between the characters is gradually becomes clear in the dialogue instead of eagerly revealing,letting the audience gradually move into the context of the characters in the drama as the scroll of life unfolds in front of the scene.As for the aspects concerning conflicts as well as structures,diverse and complex conflicts are intertwined,and multiple characters are connected to each other,making the plot develop in a seemingly reasonable but helpless direction.Liu Heng's film and television literature is “unwilling to be ordinary”,and the arrangement of the plot has played its due role in its shocking emotional communication.Liu Heng filmed his novels,and the use of oral lines and dialects is the most prominent transformation.He deliberately casts the imaginative consciousness of film into the words through the "montage thinking" method,especially the use of psychological montage,which crosses the subjective and objective,illusion and reality.He vividly and intuitively displayed the consciousness of the characters,and converted it into visual presentation through the disorder of the subconscious mind.Liu Heng often controls the rhythm through the dialogue and psychological description of the characters,making the situation relaxing and regulating the rhythm of the plot under the traction of the emotional development.When expressing the inner world of the characters,the abstract emotions are often externalized by the artistic means of “general sense”.Liu Heng tried to enrich the plot with symbolic connotation by using the "color visualization",which means creating color and sound,choosing appropriate image and adjusting its own language mode and expression.Firstly,the artistic style of Liu Heng's film and television literature is embodied in the characters that are most stressed.His film and television literature often starts from the perspective of civilians,pays attention to the small people,"superfluous" people,presenting multi-angle and multi-facetted characters,describing the living conditions of ordinary people at the bottom of the society and revealing the spiritual dilemma,all of which makes Liu Heng's film and television works have more space and richer levels.Secondly,his film and television works survey the storyline from a zero-degree perspective,ignoring the grand background of the times and reflecting the style of new realism.Thirdly,in order to adjust the aesthetic and popularization needs.Liu Heng's film and television works conform to the aesthetic psychology of the public,using the local accent,simple but powerful dialogue and personalized dialogue to highlight the characters.Besides,both the dramatic narrative and the civilian color concentrate on the mass communication.In short,Liu Heng's cognition of the film market is different.He never detains himself in the writer's "cover",but always sensitively examines the current situation.The needs of the market and the trend of the public aesthetics are all factors considered by Liu Heng while creating.He follows the development of the times like water,observes the changes of the society,and reflects the times and the people of the times with the same sincere brushstrokes and varied themes.Liu Heng's experience of creation is worth summarizing,whose literary,story,film and ideological practice has positive and practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Heng, Film and television literature, Film adaptation, Narrative research
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