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Study On The Development Strategy Of Traditional Crafts In The Late Qing Dynasty And The Republic Of China

Posted on:2020-06-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330575488643Subject:History of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The inheritance and protection of traditional crafts occur and develop with the emergence of a country's industrialization process,which is an inevitable result of industrialization.As an ancient "job",handicraft was a basic activity of human production and life in traditional society.It relied on the knowledge patterns of "Masters imparting apprentices or Word of mouth" to pass down from generation to generation.As the core productive forces of traditional Chinese society,traditional crafts not only satisfied the material needs of human beings in all aspects of clothing,food,housing and travel,but also fulfilled the spiritual needs of human culture aesthetic taste.It is not only the foundation of human material life,but also a "good prescription" for enriching human spiritual life.Still,ancient china,controlled by Traditional Cultural Concepts,did not give handcraft and craftsmen deserved respect and recognition.Since modern times,with the colonial aggression of the West,modern machine technology and machinery equipment came immediately,which is both an opportunity and a challenge for the survival of traditional crafts.Advanced machine technology stimulated and promoted the improvement of traditional crafts.At the same time,it competed with the handcrafts to seize resources and market.As for the overall development of traditional crafts,the latter became the main trend,and the impact of the machine even caused the overall collapse of handcrafts.Today,China has become one of the forefront of modern industrial countries and can compete with other industrial powers for technical competition.However,it is still unable to reverse and change the survival predicament of handicrafts.Many handcrafts in the fierce commercial market competition are rapidly declining or even dying.How to make traditional crafts and industrialization coexist harmoniously,and how to make traditional crafts rational inheritance to better adapt to industrial modernization.These questions become an important issue that has continued from history to the present.It can be seen that "how to deal with traditionalcrafts in the process of industrialization and modernization" or "how should traditional crafts respond to industrial modernization" is a question worthy of repeated thinking and in-depth exploration.However,it needs to be explained that traditional crafts have different functions in different times.In traditional society,handicraft exists as the pillar of national economy and people's livelihood,but in modern society,it bears more responsibility for inheriting national culture,so its protection and utilization vary greatly depending on the function of the times.This article focuses on the fate of handicrafts related to people's birthdays in the modern Chinese technological society.On this basis,the paper not only carries out historical research on traditional crafts,but also further explores the way out for traditional crafts in the process of industrial modernization in China.The article focuses on the central theme of "how does traditional craft enter modern society",namely,how to overcome and improve the drawbacks of traditional crafts and how to maintain and enhance the value of traditional crafts.Based on the background of the late Qing Dynasty,it takes "The development strategy of traditional craft in the early stage of industrialization in China" as the first research theme which has drawn little attention but epoch-making significance,and is supported by Zhang Peigang's basic theory of development economics in the "Agriculture and Industrialization",exploring the industrial modernization of handicrafts as China transitions from a traditional agricultural society to a modern industrial society.Through the investigation of the source strategy of the revitalization of traditional crafts,it finds that the Chinese people have proposed a series of ideas and action plans on the way out of handicrafts,which bring the unknown handicrafts into the public's view.On this basis,we will clarify the status and role of the late Qing and Republic of China handicraft strategies in the process of modernization of the whole handicraft industry,in order to provide an effective historical reference for the development of traditional crafts.The main content of the article includes three parts: introduction,bodyand conclusion.The introduction part mainly explains the origin,research status,innovation,research ideas and difficulties of this research topic.It puts forward the question of how to think about and treat traditional crafts in the late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China,and finds way out for the traditional crafts from the source strategy in order to gain some new understanding and new ideas.The first chapter mainly studies the evolution of the concept of craft in the beginning of the transition from traditional society to modern society in China,emphasizing that "craft" is a traditional vocabulary in the modern sense,which is a kind of modern connotation.Based on the linguistic study of "craft",the focus is on the analysis and discussion of the multiple concepts of industry,art and craft,crafts and so on in the modern era,revealing the inherent logic of the evolution of the concept of "craft" in the period of social transformation.At the same time,it defines the category of "traditional crafts" discussed in this paper,lists the main process categories covered in the full text,and introduces the development economist Zhang Peigang's "Agriculture and Industrialization" as the theoretical support.The second chapter explains the background of the formation of traditional craft problems in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China.Since the late Ming Dynasty,the burgeoning of capitalism has sprouted in the industry and commerce based on the manual as a technology,causing great contradictions among feudal rulers and industry and commerce.The feudal government began to comprehensively curb the development of industry and commerce and expand the destruction of rival industries.After the Opium War,different from clamping traditional crafts,the Qing government adopted a completely contrary attitude to Western machine technology,advocating and encouraging the development of the machine industry.Traditional crafts survived under the double block of the suppression of feudal government and the impact of modern machine technology.But it has not been replaced by industrial technology or lost the status of social technology.Therefore,as a traditional Chinese technical resource how does traditional craft develop hasbecome a problem worth studying.The third chapter,the fourth chapter and the fifth chapter focus on the strategies of craft idea and craft action of the late Qing Dynasty,the Beiyang government and the Nanjing National Government.It is found that in these three different periods,the development of traditional crafts is roughly carried out along the same path.On the one hand,the far-sighted people,representatives of the business and political circles,economists and craft artists explore the modern multi-values of traditional crafts and their way out.The understanding and understanding of the handcrafts is beyond the inherent meaning of traditional society.On the other hand,it is led by the central government and partially implements certain process policies.At the same time,it also analyzes the uniqueness of each period of strategy.In the late Qing Dynasty,under the premise of no experience to follow,everything began with a preliminary exploration.Despite this,a group of far-sighted people explained the new value of traditional crafts from different perspectives of economy,technology,knowledge,social roles and culture,and enlighten Chinese people to explore traditional crafts from the ideological level to enter modern society.The government of the late Qing Dynasty actively changed the attitude from neglecting handcrafts to loss strict control of the handcrafts of the opponents.From the implementation of craft education,the establishment of the craft bureau and the collection of handicrafts to exhibit in foreign country.Decentralized and degraded traditional crafts have been reorganized with new ideas and methods to adapt to and promote the development of China's early industrialization.The greatest feature of the strategy of handcrafts of the Beiyang government was the inheritance.Under the guidance of the "step by step","offering people jobs instead of doling out reliefs" ideas,and "comprehensive improvement" the Beiyang government continued to explore the development strategy of traditional crafts,along the route of the "new deal of handicraft" in the late Qing Dynasty and adjusted the development strategy of traditional crafts.The Beiyang government's craft policy served as a connecting link between thepreceding and the following in the occurrence and development of the entire modern process strategy.In the early days of the Nanjing National Government,after a heated discussion among the industrial,commercial,political and academic circles and the arts and crafts circles,the government and scholars had a deep understanding of the value of traditional crafts and their industrial modernization.They carried out specific issues concerning handicrafts and industrialization,handicrafts and rural economic development.On this basis,the Nanjing National Government established a policy for the rejuvenation of traditional crafts,explored a new model of effective handicrafts development,and launched an action plan for the rejuvenation of crafts to make unified planning and arrangements for the Chinese handicraft industry.After three different periods of evolution,China's traditional craft development strategy has gradually matured.The sixth chapter focuses on the traditional crafts development strategy led by the International Relief Committee of China.During this period,the modernization of handicrafts was changed from government led to social groups.As a social service group supported by the government,International Relief Committee of China began to independently lead the national handicraft business,and put forward the unique technological idea of "constructive relief".From the ideological aspect,International Relief Committee of China's understanding of traditional crafts was close to the essence of the craft problem.It emphasized that the improvement of traditional crafts was a multiplex issue,not only relying on technological improvement and innovation,but also the cooperation of different social elements such as organization,capital,talents and market.From the specific action aspect,International Relief Committee of China established a divided and cooperated handicraft system and founded the "Handicrafts",which provided a platform for the exchange of ideas of the Chinese people.In its organization,the development of handicrafts has become a social movement,enhancing the social identity of traditional crafts.The conclusion of the seventh chapter is mainly based on summarizingthe evolution path of the handcraft development strategy and the actual changes of the crafts in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China,and analyzing the reasons for the lack of effective effect of the craft strategy in this period.Combining the current national traditional industry and rural construction development themes,the importance of crafts revitalization for the transformation of traditional industries and the overall revitalization of the countryside,with a view to providing experiences and lessons for the inheritance and protection of traditional crafts.
Keywords/Search Tags:The late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, Traditional Crafts, Development Strategy, Agriculture and Industrialization
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