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Mystery And Participation:the Study Of Gabriel Marcel's Metaphysical Thoughts On "Being"

Posted on:2020-11-07Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330572479223Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marcel put the concept of "Being" at the core of his thought and tried to construct a metaphysics about "existence".The fundamental task of philosophy is to overcome the universal uncertainty of the meaning and value of human existence and restore the value and dignity of individual human life.His philosophy began with the criticism of "abstract spirit".It holds that the "abstract spirit" goes beyond the unlimited expansion of Science in various fields of human life and is the deep-seated reason why the world loses its internal unity and the situation of human functionalization.He proposed that the specific way to change this situation is to arouse people's "ontological exigence".By participating in "fulfillment Being",we can overcome the nihility and pessimism caused by the lack of meaning and value of human life.Marcel reflected on the philosophical thinking mode of "Being" as a "problem" guided by "abstract spirit".The task of philosophy is to explore existence.Being can not be proved by rational and objective methods.It can only be grasped in the individual's life experience.Being,as the experience of human's real life state,is necessarily a mystery different from "problem".This mystery is not the "mystery" of agnosticism in the field of cognition,but an unspeakable feeling of the infinite Being.The whole content of Marcel's philosophy derives from the experience of existence,and holds that "Being" has rich connotations in different dimensions.He opposed traditional philosophy to regard "Being" as an objective object external to the subject,and believed that the concept of "Being" could not be obtained in an abstract way,and that "existence" was the basis of all thoughts.Cognition of "existence" must be manifested through the concrete form of existence,i.e.the "incarnation being".Man as the subject is not an isolated existence,but an existence in a situation.The existence of self-subject is interdependent with that of others.This kind of relationship between subjects is based on openness and takes the mutual presence of both parties as the highest form.Throughinter-subjectivity communication based on love,human beings can acquire the experience of transcendental Being of "fulfillment",that is,the experience of "fidelity and faith","hope" and "love".
Keywords/Search Tags:Gabriel Marcel, Being, mystery, Parcitipation, Iintersubjectivity, Ssecondary reflection
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