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Academic Principles Research Based On Partial-Ordered Structure Diagram On The Treatment Of Spleen And Stomach Diseases By Chen Bo Tan,Li Bi Liu,Yi Ju Sun

Posted on:2020-09-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Full Text:PDF
GTID:1364330602960925Subject:TCM clinical basis
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Objective:The objective of this paper is to research on the academic principles of Chen Bo Tan,Li Bi Liu,Yi Ju Sun in their trearment of the spleen and stomach diseases based on Partial-Ordered Attribute Structure Diagram knowledge discovery method.Professor Hong Wen Xue stated that based on Structural Partial-Ordered Attribute Diagram generation of knowledge discovery could be used in both big or small database.This methodology is to transpose the existing database into Formal Concept background and then generate a partial-order structure diagram,thus creating the visual discovery of knowledge structure.From the method itself,there is no limit on the sample size.The result of partial order attribure structure diagram is dependent on the input of the database.The diagram cannot be formed when input database is not standardized in its standard medical terminology.This is perfect in researching Chen Bo Tan's medical cases,which are small in sample size.However,they are still representative of the combination of the medical theory,skill and renounced experience of Chen Bo Tan.This thesis is innovative in using Partial-ordered structured diagram,a scientific,automatic generation algorithm and software tool in computer methods with Excel and Microsoft Word as database input tools.This method generates and discover new knowledge.and in using the theory of Partial-Ordered structured diagram to analyze and conclude their academic thoughts in their clinical treatments of spleen and stomach diseases.Research involves verifying whether it is ideal for inheriting the academic thoughts of these famous physicians as teaching materials and as clinical guidance to bring about preventive treatments,raising the standard of treatment as well as upgrading the patient's quality of life,so as to achieve economical and societal benefit.This research paper has two outstanding features.They are:(1)usage of medical cases from Yi Ju Sun,Li Bi Liu and especially limited medical cases from Chen Bo Tan.Research results can be used as teaching materials,to guide clinical treatments,to provide data input,as well as reducing the gap between their academic theory and practice,enlightening the use of theory to guide practical thinking and inspiration.At the same time,to verify whether this technique is suitable for inheriting medical thoughts of the famous physicians;and(2)since partial-ordered structured diagram knowledge discovery research technique has no sample size restriction,it suits research of Chen Bo Tan's 5 relevant medical cases which can still reveal his medical academic thoughts and unique experience.The 5 medical cases of Chen Bo Tan,21 medical cases of Li Bi Liu and 39 medical cases of Yi Ju Sun meet the criteria of partial-ordered structure diagram knowledge discovery research technique.However,further in-depth research was carried out on the relevant expertise seen in the books titled"Du Guo Shang Han Lun" written by Chen Bo Tan,"Li Bi Liu Chong Zheng Shang Lun" and "Shang Han Lun Tongsu Jiangjie" by Professor Li Sai Mei.Methods:The selection criteria are based on cases having vomit,diarrhea and/or feeling of tightness,which reflect(s)spleen and stomach diseases.The source of medical cases is from "Du Guo Shang Han Lun",Li Bi Liu' s "Chong Zheng Shang Lun" and YiJu Sun's "Ji Si Yi An".The use of attributable partial-ordered structure and object partial-ordered structure of Formal Concept Analysis theory and the disease-symptoms-pathogenesis-treatment method-prescription dosage modes were chosen to visualise the new knowledge discovery and to enable analysis to reveal the inherent academic thoughts in the medical cases.Through the process of screening,sorting,and standardizing of the data bank,the later were then input using Microsoft Office Excel or datasheet document.Input consisted of 92 prescriptions,92 pathogenesis causes,92 treatment methods,92 dosage types and 136 standardized symptoms in the 35 cases from Yi Ju Sun?Ji Si Medical Cases?.Similarly,prescriptions,pathogenesis causes,treatment methods,dosage types and standardized symptoms were done on the 21 cases from Li Bi Liu?Li Bi Liu medical cases))and 19 cases from?Duguo ShangHanLun??Duguo Jin Kui Quan Shi Jiu?to establish a database.Professor Hong Wen Xue and his team in Yanshan University,assisted in developing comprehensive partial order structure diagrams for knowledge discovery by rules.From the database,Professor Hong Wen Xue and his team in Yanshan University,assisted in the preprocessing of the database?formal background optimization,consisting of attributes sorting and object clustering?establishing a matrix,constructing graphics and finally generating of the visualized partial-ordered structure diagram.Results:1.Partial-ordered structured diagram technique could produce diagrams depicting Chen Bo Tan,Li Bi Liu and Yi Ju Sun most commonly treated or placing great importance to the symptoms,treatment principles,classic prescriptions,and prescription formula dosage in their treatment of spleen and stomach diseases.1.1.The partial-ordered structured diagrams upon analysis revealed the following new knowledge findings:Common academic thought in their treatment of spleen and stomach diseases.Placed great importance to the Regulating therapy method,followed by Invigorating therapy method,Warming therapy method,Purgative therapy method.Chen Bo Tan,Li Bi Liu and Yi Ju Sun prescribed in accordance with the specific disease symptoms.Skillful in using the eight treatment methods,as well as unique individualistic treatment methods were.also displayed.The eights treatment methods were Diaphoretic therapy,Emetic therapy,Purgative therapy,Regulating therapy,Warming therapy,Heat-clearing therapy,Resolving therapy,Invigorating therapy.1.2.Frequently used original prescription formulation followed by original formulation with incremental or deduction of herbs.The essence in the treatment principle lies in determining the pathogenesis.It is revealed that they frequently used original prescription formulation followed by original formulation with incremental or deduction of herbs."Holistic treatment" and "Syndrome differentiation" as common academic thoughts in the treatment of spleen and stomach diseases.2.Chen Bo Tan,Li Bi Liu,Yi Ju Sun combine the symptoms,theory and personal experience in their clinical treatment of spleen and stomach diseases.It has been analysed from partial-ordered structured diagrams that their treatment involved considering all the six meridians,prescription corresponding to syndromes and attention paid to taking care of the stomach condition.In critical syndromes,heavy dosage is prescribed.Chen Bo Tan's rationale is that classic prescriptions are strong in smell but not in effect in comparison.It is also analysed based on the partial order structured diagrams involving syndromes,pathogenesis,treatment,prescription formula and dosage that their characteristic academic thoughts are "syndromes differentiation and holistic treatment".Chen Bo Shi,Li Bi Liu and Yi Ju Sun,have their own unique academic thoughts,too,in their treatment of spleen and stomach diseases.2.1.Distinguishing feature of Chen Bo Tan's academic ideology:2.1.1.Chen Bo Tan frequently used Wu Zhuyu Tang.From the 7 medical cases written by word of mouth and 18 medical cases of Chen Bo Tan,there were only five cases suitable for this thesis.From these cases,based on the novel knowledge discovery of the partial-order structure diagrams,.it was shown clearly that Chen frequently used Wu Zhuyu Tang.Decoction to warm the liver in order to send down the reverse flow of liver-qi and nourish the spleen and stomach.In reducing the liver-wind,it tranquilized and calmed the mind from sudden unconsciousness during sleep.The pulse string was large and taut,indicating weak countenance.Symptoms include suddenly waking up at 1-2 am,indicating the liver was not able to contain the soul.2.1.2.Placed emphasis on syndrome differentiationChen's treatment was different even though the unconsciousness was also due to liver-qi,when it was accompanied by spasm,greenish facial expression,pulse taut and rapid.These indicated excesses in constitution.This new knowledge discovery of different treatment for similar root cause revealed that Chen Bo Tan attached great importance to "syndrome differentiation to match with corresponding prescription" style of medical skill and academic ideology.In so doing,the aim was to harmonies Yin and Yang in the patient to bring about recovery,just as seen in the treatment feature in Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases.2.1.3.Usage of heavy dosage in 50%of his medical casesThe study found that Chen Bo Tan usage of heavy dosage in 50%of his medical cases,namely the heavy dosage of Da Jianzhong Tang,for strengthening the Middle-energizer;the heavy dosage of Zhenwu Tang(containing 9g of Paofuzi),for strengthening Spleen-kidney-yang to remove dampness and phlegm;and the heavy dosage of Longdan Xiegan Tang,for purging liver fire.2.1.4.Nourishing Yang prescriptions accounted for 66.7%.Other prescriptions were Baitong Tang(containing 5g of raw fuzi)and Wu Zhuyu Tang(containing 18g of Shengjiang)belong to the prescriptions for warming the interior.Fengyin Tang(containing 12g of Dahuang,12g of Guizhi,12g of Longgu)for clearing heat and calming endogenous wind.From here,it could be deduced that 66.7%of the prescriptions were for nourishing Yang.2.1.5.Clear endogenous heat to preserve yin and protect stomach qiFengyin Tang composition includes 12g Ganjiang,6g.Zhigancao,which strengthened the depleted yang,supplemented qi and regulated the middle-energizer to prevent drugs of cold nature from impairing the stomach on the one hand and mediate the properties of other drugs on the other.In short,Chen Bo Tan placed emphasis on protecting the stomach qi.2.2.Distinguishing feature of Li Bi Liu's academic ideology2.2.1.Harmony of Yin and Yang;“prescription correspond with symptoms”Li Bi Liu's academic ideology is the practice of balancing Yin and Yang;prescription to correspond with symptoms and holistic clinical treatment.Li Bi Liu?Li Bi Liu's Medical Cases?contains about 50 medical cases,mostly involved treatments of serious illness and acute illness.Li Bi Liu used classic prescriptions and the method of "gradual incremental dosage of drugs prescription" in his prescription of treatment of disease according to the symptoms of the spleen and or stomach.This reflected his academic ideology of the need to cautious and prudent especially when dealing with drugs like Fuzi,Ganjiang,which are of extreme pungent and heaty in nature.These drugs have the functions of warming the interior and dispelling cold and are used in syndrome of excess of Yin due to deficiency of Yang,in order to harmonize Yin and Yang for recovery.2.2.2.Decisive in using large dosage of classic prescription drugsMastery of the Chinese drugs enabled them to be decisive in using large dosage of such drugs,especially Fuzi which is poisonous if not processed correctly.In Li Bi Liu' s case,he would start the large treatment dosage according to the corresponding symptoms with incremental dosage,such as with Zhifuzi(Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata),using 18g up to 30g gradually;Ganjiang(Rhizoma Zingiberis)incremental dosage of 6g up to 24g.2.2.3.Modification in the light of symptomsWhen the symptoms have improved,Li's prescription treatment would change correspondingly.For example,in the case of Sini Tang usage that had effectively improved the disease,Li BI Liu would adjust or change the prescription accordingly to the symptoms.In this matter,he would change the treatment to use LiZhong Tang,Zhenwu Tang.Sini Tang comprises of shengFuzi,FuziLizhong Tang,ZhenWu Tang consists of PaoFuzi and its dosage is lesser.FuziLizhong Tang comprises of Renshen,Baishu;Zhenwu Tang contains Fuling,Baishu and Shengjiang,which help to support the.Yang in the constitution.Therefore,these drugs remain without subtracting it from the prescription.It also reflects that Li Bi Liu placed importance to ensure the body constitution was a balance of Yin and Yang.And Lizhong Tang can strengthen Spleen to enable the transport function in the body to get rid of stagnation of body fluid.Sini Tang composition is PaoFuzi,Ganjiang and Zhigancao.Hence,it is observed,in reducing Fuzi dosage from 15grams(sheng Fuzi)as in Sini Tang to 9g and replacing Sini Tang with Fuzi Lizhongtang(contains PaoFuzi 9g)and Zhenwu Tang(contains Paofuzi 9g),Li Bi Liu was still able to retain certain amount of the pungent and heaty nature of Fuzi as well to take advantage of other drugs compositions to strengthen the Spleen.2.3.Distinguishing feature of Yi Ju Sun's academic ideology2.3.1."Prescriptions to correspond with the symptoms";"usage of specific or 111 specialized herbs";"protect stomach qi";"reinforce yang to ward off pathogenic factors";"clear endogenous heat and preserve yin".2.3.2.The knowledge discovery method of partial-ordered structure diagram clearly showed Yi Ju Sun used the original classic prescriptions in 50.8%of the medical cases;with the original side plus or minus of the original classic prescription is 44.8%of the total medical cases and heavy dosage of the original classic prescriptions is 4.5%.Of the total medical cases.This proves that Yi Ju Sun's propounds "fang-zheng duiying",that is,prescriptions to correspond with the symptoms.2.3.3.The attribute partial-ordered structure diagrams depicted clearly that Yi Ju Sun placed great importance or most commonly uses Xiaochaihu Tang,a prescription for treating Shaoyang diseases by mediation and big dosage of Sini Tang(Fuzi 15g),a prescription for recuperating depleted Yang to rescue the patient from collapse.2.3.4.Gancao(?)(Radix Glycyrrhizae)9g formed the most sub-groups.partial-ordered structure diagram showed that the most commonly used Gancao(roast)is 9g and upon analysis,revealed the inherent academic thoughts of Yi Ju sun in that he placed great importance in the middle-energizer in the treatments of diseases in the spleen and stomach.Gancao is sweet and balanced in nature.It can mediate drugs propert.ies and protect the stomach-qi,clear the heat and resolve toxins,reinforce the spleen,resolve phlegm and cough.2.3.5.Clusters that appear the most and their subsequent order clusters as seen in the 2nd level of the Attribute partial-ordered structure diagrams are evidence that Yi Ju Sun placed the most importance or the dosage most commonly used in the treatments of diseases of the Spleen and stomach.They are also the differentiation nodes for different prescriptions for different symptoms which are inherent in the types and dosage of herbs used.These 2nd level clusters are Shengjiang 9g,Banxia 9g,Huangqin 9g,Shaoyao 9g,Rensheng 9g,Gancao(roast)9g,Fuling 9g,Ganjiang 9g.From these herbs,it could be deduced that Yi Ju Sun subscribed to the importance of "Protect stomach-qi"."Reinforce yang to ward off pathogenic factors","Clear endogenous heat and preserve yin" in his treatment of diseases of the Spleen and stomach.2.3.6.Gancao(roast)is used in treating 23 diseases in the spleen and stomach diseases.For example:? Exogenous Febrile Diseases of Shaoyang diseases with corresponding Xiaochaihu Tang;? Abdominal pain with corresponding WulingSan;?Diarrhea concomitants with insomnia with corresponding Shengjiang Xiexin Tang;? Epigastric fullness and rigidity with corresponding Xuanfu Daizhe Tang with higher dosage of shengjiang banxia;?Abdominal pain(cold symptom)with corresponding Lizhong Tang with Muxiang;Conclusion:From partial-ordered structure diagram disease-dosage new knowledge discovery method,it could be observed that Gancao(roast)9g has the most the sub-clusters and this indicates that it is most commonly used in treating Spleen and stomach diseases.The composition of Xiao Chaihu Tang consists of ingredients Zhigancao(Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparatae?Renshen(Radix Gingseng)?Dazao(Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae)supplement qi and strengthen body resistance to prevent the pathogenic factors from getting into the interior.These are adjuvant drugs.Zhigancao coordinates the actions of various drugs in the recipe and also serves as guiding drug.Chaihu(Radix Bupleuri)dispels the pathogenic factors located in the half exterior and restores the functional activity of shaoyang meridian.Huangqin(Radix Scutellariae)acts to purge away heat located in the half interior.They are primary drugs for treating shaoyang disease.However,in this research,it is discovered that Yi Ju Sun had other applications for it,as well.It was used even in clinical situations where there were no exterior and interior syndrome,but after illness recovery,the body still had remaining endogenous heat and accompanied by bitterness in the mouth,chest fullness,pulse string.This prescription dispelled the pathogenic factors and restored the functional activity of the body.Sub-cluster groups like Shengjiang(Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens)9g,Banxia(Rhizoma Pinelliae)9g,Huangqin 9g,Shaoyao(Radix Paeoniao)9g,Renshen 9g,Zhigancao 6g,Fuling(Poria)9g,Ganjiang(Rhizoma Zingiberis)9g revealed as the most commonly used in treatment as well as used as important differentiation drugs to appropriately reveal the academic ideology of "protect stomach qi";"strengthen body resistance to dispel the pathogenic factors from the interior of the body";"purge endogenous heat to restore Yin" in the treatment of Spleen and stomach diseases.Through the analysis of the information discovered by the Partial-ordered Structure Theory,it is summarized that the academic thoughts of Chen Bo Tan,Li Bi Liu on the spleen and stomach diseases consist of as follows:"holistic treatment";"prescription corresponding to symptoms""modification in the light of symptoms";"different principles for different cases,that is,individually-concerned treatment,climate concerned treatment,environment concerned treatment";"harmony of Yin Yang for recovery of illness";"strengthening anti-pathogenic qi and eliminating pathogenic factors,maintenance of stomach qi and bodily fluid".
Keywords/Search Tags:Chen Bo Tan, ?Du Guo Shanghan Lun?, ?Li Bi Liu Yi An?, ?Ji Si Yi An?, Pian Xu Jie Gou Tu
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