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The Cognitive Evolution Of The Academic Origin And Damp-heat Concept Of Lingnan Syndrome

Posted on:2019-12-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D W ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1364330548485372Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
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Objective:Since the 1950 s,Lingnan Medicine has gradually entered the field of academic history.At the founding of Guangdong Medical History Branch in 1986,Professor Deng the academic report of "The Characteristics of Lingnan medicine",making "Lingnan medicine" officially the focus of Chinese medicine.As an important branch of Lingnan Regional Medicine,the development history of the damp-heat disease syndrome in Lingnan has not been sorted out by the system.The paper clarifies the development and origin of the damp-heat disease syndrome in Lingnan,and summarize the contribution of Lingnan doctors to the damp-heat syndrome in different periods.On this basis,the relationship between the local and damp-heat diseases in Lingnan was explored,and the hot and humid diseases and characteristic diagnosis and treatment methods were excavated.The fuzziness and complexity of the concept of damp-heat,although the modern research on damp-heat disease is in full swing,whether it is classical literature study or pathogeny,pathology,symptom and so on modern research,but to "damp-heat" the understanding evolution of the concept and reason analysis,few people involve.To restore the original ecology of damp-heat concept through the method of returning back to nature,to discuss the process and reason of the development of damp-heat concept.Methods:1.literature research: including the literature search,data collection,identification,collation,compilation,etc.,form the basic research material.2.theoretical review: Comprehensive use of classification analysis,inductive deduction,traditional interpretation,correlation and other methods,the development of Lingnan disease syndrome and academic origins of the concise.3.Questionnaire: Through the random distribution of questionnaires,statistics to Guangzhou residents as the representative of the proportion of hot and humid physique,analysis of the relationship between damp-heat constitution and residence time,and then to prove the relationship between geography,climate and damp-heat syndrome.4.the classical textual criticism method: uses the traditional classics research method,the examination literature,distinguishes the authenticity,the examination medical classics "damp-heat" the concept,and explains its concept evolution.5.Data statistics: Using frequency statistics,data mining and other methods to analyze the internal relationship between damp-heat constitution and residence time;Results:The thesis is divided into five parts.The first part discusses the development history of the hot and humid disease syndrome in Lingnan,and the contribution of Lingnan doctors to the damp-heat syndrome in different periods.Based on the series of "Lingnan Medical History" and "Lingnan Chinese Medicine Library",this paper combs the development of the damp-heat disease syndrome of Lingnan in five periods,such as the germination period,the foundation period,the development period,the mature stage and the innovation period.In the embryonic period before the Qin and Han dynasties,the use of drugs for the treatment of damp-heat syndrome by Lingnan people has been quite rich in practice,especially in the field of pharmacology,which is beneficial to the Central Plains Medicine.The foundation period of Wei Jin to the Jin Yuan Dynasty,with Gehong,release and so on as the representative of the Lingnan doctor to the hot and humid disease syndrome diagnosis and treatment accumulated more experience,fully understand the special symptoms and onset season of damp-heat disease,and refer to the similarities and differences of physique and the characteristics of diet,seek the regularity of forming damp-heat disease syndrome,and lay a theoretical foundation for further development of damp-heat disease.Ming and Qing dynasties,to He Mengyao,Chen Yu is the representative of the Literati medical home,to the development of Lingnan medicine,brought about the quality of flying,The understanding of the damp-heat disease syndrome in Lingnan is more detailed than the previous one,it is the development period.Before the late Qing Dynasty to the founding of the PRC,the Lingnan febrile pathologist,mainly Pan,Chen Zhingyu and so on,based on the works of Ye Tianshi's and Wu Yutong,combined with lingnan climatic characteristics,expounded the damp-heat theory,and formed a more complete and local characteristic of the damp-heat disease syndrome and treatment system,It indicates that the research of the syndrome of damp-heat in Lingnan medical family is mature.After the founding of New China,the Central Committee attaches great importance to the development of Chinese medicine,in this period,the Lingnan school on the one hand summed up the theory and experience of damp-heat disease,on one hand,the new research on damp-heat syndromeIn the second part,the influence of Lingnan geography climate on damp-heat syndrome is discussed.Guangzhou is the representative of Lingnan,because of its North Wuling,South Nanhai,the Tropic of Cancer,such as geographical location,created a high annual temperature of Lingnan,more precipitation days,more than annual precipitation,the annual average wind speed small environmental characteristics,three factors combined effect,resulting in Lingnan most of the time,in this damp-heat and steaming climate.Residents who have long been in this climate,the damp-heat constitution is obvious,through the Chinese Medicine Physique survey found that the residents of Guangzhou as a sample,living time of 0-5 years of the population,damp-heat constitution accounted for 32.5%,5-10 years of living in the crowd,damp-heat constitution accounted for 43.5%,living time 10-20 years of the crowd,Damp-heat constitution accounted for 38.5%,living time ? 20 years of the population,damp-heat constitution accounted for 37.1%.To some extent,the relationship between the understanding of Lingnan and the investigation of damp-heat disease was explained.The third part discusses the damp-heat disease syndrome of Lingnan,which is represented by damp-heat beriberi,miasma disease and infantile damp-heat,and discusses the concept,etiology,similarity disease and diagnosis and treatment.To dig deep into the experience of the ancient Lingnan hospital in the diagnosis and treatment of heat and humidity.Especially miasma disease,endowed with local characteristics,more complex than the general damp-heat disease syndrome.It meets with typhoid,plague and malaria,and it is different.Lingnan Medical home in the prevention and treatment of miasma disease,has accumulated rich experience,these experiences for the current Lingnan common diseases,still has guiding significance.On this basis,this paper sums up the characteristics of medicine and treatment of the hot and humid diseases of the Lingnan medical family,and the application of the methods such as the use of fresh medicine,the method of finding fault,fragrance,fragrance and washing,which embodies the medicine and treatment of damp-heat disease syndromes,and the ingenuity of Lingnan doctors.These effective experiences can enlighten the diagnosis and treatment of the damp-heat disease in later generations.In the last part,we put the academic perspective on the evolution of the concept of damp-heat in TCM.By using the traditional methods of Confucian studies,examining the literature and distinguishing the authenticity,the paper studies the evolution of the concept of "damp-heat" in medical ancient books,especially the reconstruction and innovation of "damp-heat" under the background of Confucianism.On this basis,this paper probes into the controversy of the hot and humid of TCM and the author's thoughts on the concept and theory of damp-heat.Conclusion:Benefiting from the unique geographical and climatic characteristics,the heat and humidity syndrome of Lingnan has a relatively independent history.The results of the study of Guangzhou residents showed that: the population with residence time of 5-10 years was the highest in damp-heat constitution,but the proportion of the damp-heat constitution was more stable than 10 years,but all were higher than those who lived for 0-5 years.It is fully indicated that the climate of Lingnan has a certain effect on the formation of damp-heat constitution and disease syndrome.Before the damp-heat theory of febrile disease was formed,lingnan doctors had rich experience in the diagnosis and treatment of damp-heat diseases,especially for the prevention and treatment of miasma disease.The textual criticism of the damp-heat of Chinese medicine shows that in different periods,the "damp-heat" is endowed by the doctors with different connotations,and these different connotations lead to the evolution of "damp-heat" from pathogenesis-etiology-disease name.The concept and theory of damp-heat is the innovation and development for Traditional Chinese medicine.But to the etiology of the definition of disease name,to leave a lot of regrets.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lingnan medicine, syndrome of heat and humidity, academic characteristics, conceptual evolution
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