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The Dimension Of Everyday Life: A Study On The Campus Planning For The New Universities In The UK In The 1960s

Posted on:2019-06-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Everyday Life Theory is a fundamental problem of philosophy in the 20 th century.It mainly opposes human alienation to the ordinary people without individual diversities with the influence of mechanical rationalism and consumerism since the 1920 s,and attempts to discuss people's real needs and lives as individual human beings through ordinary things in the daily life.In the 1960 s Everyday Life Theory deeply influenced the fields of city planning and urban design in the UK.As an experimental plot for New Town Planning,the campus planning for New Universities initiated an evolution from grand narratives to Everyday Life in theories,methods and strategies,and continued reflecting and evolving in the following 50 years.The whole process is an important reference to the campus construction and renovation in contemporary China.The dissertation carries out the research from three aspects.Firstly,it(chapter 2)gives a brief introduction to the fieldwork and literature review of the campus planning for New Universities,discusses the objective mechanism of its emergence and development,and summarizes the facts and key points of the campus planning for the nine New Universities.This serves as the basic materials of the research.Secondly,the dissertation(chapter 3-7)discusses two milestones for the New Universities: campuses planning and renewals,and investigates them through practices as a whole dynamic process.The research on campus planning(chapter 3-6)discusses human's specific activities and behaviors in the campuses instead of abstract rational analysis,and emphasizes the campus planning targeting on people's daily life behavior.It constructs the campus planning methods based on Everyday Life Theory through the sequential research on theory(Everyday Life Theory),methodology(work flow),space(spatial patterns)and activity(behavioral organization).The research on campus renewals(chapter 7)discusses the different models for the nine universities' campuses,and summarizes the main strategies accommodating the needs of campus growth.Lastly,the dissertation(chapter 8)generally evaluates the values of the campus planning of the New Universities based on Everyday Life Theory.Active and lively campuses are achieved through diverse work teams,dynamic planning processes,urban formed spatial model,everyday life oriented behavior organizing and the spatial creation of the academic communities.With this systematic study and an examination of problems occurred in present-day China,the dissertation establishes a methodology of planning for active and lively campuses from aspects of theoretical base,work flow and guiding strategies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Everyday life, New Universities, Campus planning, Academic community
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