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Evolution On The Architectural Features Of Xi'an City Area In Ming Dynasty From Photo-Image And Memory Since The 20th Century

Posted on:2020-03-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1362330620458227Subject:Architectural culture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the influence of the western military forces since the Opium War,China has been undergoing a transition from an agricultural civilization to an industry civilization.The traditional architecture system which lasts for thousands of years has gradually evolved from coastal cities to inland cities into modern ones.Xi'an,as one of the cradles of the Chinese civilization as well as the typical representative of Chinese traditional inland cities,is highlighted the continuous reform and innovation in the 20 th century and the transformation of Socio-Cultural value.While achieving great achievements in urban modernization,the city is also faced with the disappearance of a large number of historic blocks and buildings and the current situation that the city memory is difficult to continue.When China's urban construction has shifted from the expansion of economic index "quantity" to the demonstration of historical culture and environment and ecology "quality ",the academic circle's attention on Xi'an capital city era has also gradually turned to the study on the evolution of the city's modern development.Building is the most basic composition of a city.This paper takes the new buildings produced in different periods of the Xi'an Ming dynasty city area in the 20 th century as the concrete products of the collision of Chinese and western cultures.The development history of Xi'an from tradition to modern city is the clue.The "objective documentary" function of the photo-image text can reproduce the architectural morphological features and present the evolution process of architecture of Ming dynasty city area,which can provide reference for the exploration and practice of Xi'an's construction of an international metropolis and the remodeling of the historical and cultural features of the ancient city.Firstly,based on the research direction of photo-image and architectural culture,the combination of architectural photo-image and historical text serve as the basic carrier to restore memory of the city.In the framework of urban memory formed with human being as the main body and architecture as the object,this paper collects and integrates the typical architectural photo-image text of different periods of the Xi'an Ming dynasty city area in the 20 th century(1900-2010)based on the development process of architecture in the Xi'an Ming dynasty city area,and puts them into the space-time background of the development of modern society in China for staging,classification and evolution research.Secondly,based on the research results of Xi'an urban architecture in architecture,urban planning,historical geography and other disciplines,this paper classifies and compares the architectural photo-image texts of three typical periods in the late Qing dynasty(1900-1911),the Republic of China(1912-1949)and the People's Republic of China(1949-2010).The purpose is to restore the development and evolution of architecture in the Xi'an Ming dynasty city area by means of mutual verification of "pictures and texts",and reveal its evolution law and comprehensive reasons by means of the research methods of iconography and phenomenology.Thirdly,the theory "five elements of city image"(Path,Edge,District,Node,Landmark)of Kevin lynch's can be used one way of experience and cognition of city to correspond and analyse the representative buildings of Xi'an in different historical periods in the 20 th century and attempt to restore and construct the city memory of Xi'an in modern times.The evolution of modern Xi'an traditional architecture from "imitation and unprincipled copy " to "selection and absorption" of advanced western architectural forms and technologies conforms to the development of the times and social needs.It shows the political and socioeconomic development level of cities in different historical stages and the transformation of people's aesthetics and values.It is also the practice process of weighing and choosing constantly made by the traditional architecture learning from the western culture.Based on the principle of "integrity,epochal character,continuity and constructiveness" of urban memory,this paper analyzes and summarizes the architecture of the Ming dynasty city area in Xi'an since the 20 th century:(1)Continuity of architectural features of Chinese and Western "compromise" based on the principle of "Chinese learning for the foundation and Western learning for practical use"In the course of Xi'an's urban modernization transformation,the urban development has gradually changed from the closed traditional society to the open integration of modern times.On the basis of inheriting the "foundation" of traditional architectural culture and "practical use" of western architectural forms,materials,structures and other factors,the dominant position of traditional architecture is gradually weakened.Under the domination of political and military factors,architecture has changed from "foreign style" imitating architecture at the end of the Qing dynasty to Chinese and Western "compromise" featuring industrialized architecture with a few geometric features in the Republic of China.After the influence of the "Su Hua" in the early period of the Republic,the single national architecture gradually moved towards the process of modernization exploration and diversification.Architecture has formed a "top-down" development path and a gradual development law of Chinese and Western "compromise" characterized by "part-whole-simplification-innovation".(2)The contradiction and superficiality of the inheritance and innovation of traditional architectural cultureXi'an is an important town in Northwest China with profound history and culture and a traditional inland city.It went through the period of imitation of modern "foreign style","compromise" between Chinese and Western architecture and "revival of tradition" architecture.During the rapid urbanization process from planned economy to market economy after the reform and opening-up(1990-2010),due to the commercial development of real estate and the demolition of old cities,the large-scale commercial and functional modern buildings inside and outside the city walls were in disorder.The lack of connection between these buildings and Xi'an's history and culture seriously affects the overall architectural style of the ancient city.In recent years,Xi'an still attaches traditional elements to buildings in the Xi'an Ming dynasty city area and wears archaized headwear roof as a way to reflect the style of the ancient capital.It is deeply felt that the inheritance and innovation of traditional architecture lack cultural connection,showing contradictive psychology and superficiality of form since modern times.(3)Urban architectural evolution lacks the continuity and integrity of history and cultureWith the evolution of modern urban architecture in Xi'an since the 20 th century,most of the historic blocks in Xi'an City Area in Ming Dynasty have been gradually replaced and deconstructed by new buildings of functionalization,commercialization and symbolization created by scientific and technological civilization.The replacement and renewal of architectural landscape leads to the erasure of historical features and the loss of urban memory carrier,and the change of social life style also accelerates the disappearance of urban memory.This fact is not help to the ancient city of Xi'an as a spiritual home of historical and cultural identity and sense of belonging.The isomorphic relationship between urban memory and architectural photo-image text can reproduce the architectural evolution process of the Xi'an Ming dynasty city area.Only by examining the hasty and utilitarian urban construction behavior and drawing lessons from the near-modernization development of cities in the East and the West,can we improve the mechanism of urban construction evaluation and public participation,restore the cultural confidence of the city and reshape the historical features,and enable Xi'an to shoulder the urban function and mission of "national cultural image" and become an ecologically livable home.
Keywords/Search Tags:photo-image text, city memory, architectural features, evolution, the old area of Ming dynasty in Xi'an(1900-2010)
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