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Emipirical Study On The Relationship Among The Risk Perception Of Environment,Environmental Regulation And Environmental Behavior

Posted on:2017-01-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1361330485475796Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the scale and intensive development of pig industry process in our country,the phenomenon of the disjointed agriculture and the husbandry becomes more and more serious,waste from the pig breeding have caused serious pollution of soil,water and atmosphere surrounded and has become the the main source of environmental pollution in rural areas in China.It is necessary for the pig industry to break through the restricts of the resources and environment and develop with the society and the ecnomy in coordination.How to motivate the pig raiser who is the most important actors to implement the environmental behavior as to control the enviromental risk of the pig industry has become the focus that the society and the scholar concerned.Existing theory suggests that psychological factors have profound influence on the performance of the subject behavior.Meanwhile,the relationship between psychological factors and behaviors can be affected by the situations.Environmental risk perception,as intuitive judgment and understanding of environmental risks caused by pig-breeding,is an important psychological foundation for pig farmers to adopt environmental behavior.The implementing of 'The Environmental Protection Law' and a series of government environmental regulation policies have made the environment regulation policy become the most important circumstance factors during the period of pig farming.Therefore,based on ABC theory this study constructed theoretical framework and the survey data from the scale pig farmers in Hubei Province,the environmental risk perception situation of pig farmers has been investigated,then the influence factors has been explored,and then its affects on the environmental behavior has been verified.Then the moderating influence of environmental regulations policy influences between environmental risk perception and environmental behavior by pig farmers has been tested.Finally,based on the above findings the corresponding countermeasures has been given.The main contents and conclusions includes as follows:Firstly,the environmental problem and character that pig industry has been concluded and analyzed.By looking back on the current situation and history of pig history in our country,the severe soil,water and atmosphere environmental risk of pig industry has been concluded.Based on the environmental carrying capacity theory and the statics data,the pollution character of the soil,water and atmosphere caused by the pig industry has been concluded and analyzed,and the severe pollution situation has been tested.Secondly,theg risk perception condition and the influencing factors of the pig-breeding farmers has been analyizedEnvironmental risk perception of the pig-breeding farmers,mainly measures through three dimensions,which are the fact perception of environmental risk,the loss perception of environmental risk,and the causes perception of environmental risk.The pig-breeding farmers have low perception to the overall environmental risks,but their perception to the loss of environmental risks is relatively high,and the perception to the causes of environmental risk is at the bottom.Then the paper takes the methods of multiple linear regression analysis to explore the factors that influence the pig-breeding farmers' perception of environmental risks from the internal and external factors.In the internal perspective,the pig-breeding farmers' individuals,managing characteristics and the environmental attitude are the important factor to their perception of environmental risk such as the number of breeding and training that can be accepted,whether to join the farming cooperatives,the income proportion of pig-breeding,and the pig-breeding scale prominently affect the pig-breeding farmers' environmental risk perception.As to environmental attitudes,pig-breeding farmers' facilities to handling the waste,the attitudes of transferring the excrement into resources have a positive impact on the pig-breeding farmers'environmental risk perception.And the external factors,like the cost of establishing waste handling facilities,the number of government's spot checks on farms and penalties intensity of farm pollution significantly affect the pig-breeding farmers' environmental risk perception.The third part is the study about the influence of pig farmers' environmental risk perception on the behavior.The paper,combining the industrial characteristics of pig-breeding,summarizes and classifies the pig-breeding farmers' environmental behavior,and also makes descriptive statistics analysis about the situation of environmental behavior by adopting the practical investigation data from Hubei province.On this basis,carrying out the empirical studies to research pig-breeding farmers' perception of environmental risks to environmental behavior.The result shows that environmental risk of the fact perception has a significant impact on their positive environmental behavior adopting,among those,pig-breeding farmers' perception to the destruction of rural environment,the complaints and conflicts from surrounding neighbors about the pollution from breeding farm all exist the prominent positive effects on their environmental behaviors,but the causes perception of environmental risks have no obvious functions on their environmental behavior adopting.Only pig-breeding farmers' efficient handling and uses of excretion perceptions passes the 1%significant positive test about the environmental behaviors.The fourth part is the study about the influence of the environmental regulation policy on the relationship between the environmental risk perception and the environmental behavior of the pig-breeding farmers.A series of environmental regulations and policies targeting at the environmental risks of pig-breeding industry in China has been reviewed in this section,which mainly include command control policies and economic incentive policies.Afterwards,based on survey data from scale pig-breeding farmers in Hubei Province,the regulating effects between the perception of environmental risks and environment-behavior relation under the circumstance of the environmental regulating polities has been tested.The results show that the constraint regulation has significant influence on relationship between the environmental fact risk perception that the pollution caused the disease spread,the conflict caused by the pollution,the environmental loss perception of soil and water pollution,the environmental reason perception of the reasonable location and the efficiently use of waste and the environmental behavior,and the pig farm wasn't be reasonable located,the waste failed to be used with the environmental behavior.The motivating regulation in the pig industry has significant moderating influence between the relationship of the environmental fact risk perception that the pollution caused the disease spread,the environmental loss perception of soil and water pollution,the environmental reason perception of the pig farm not standardly constructed,the waste failed to be used,the dead pig failed to be dealed with the evironmental behavior.The fifth part is about the main conclusion and policy suggestion.Based on the the experience in the enviromental risk protection of foreign country and combined with the the facts in our country,the suggestion has been put forward to promote the adoption of the environmental behavior as follows:?Pay more attention on the promtion of the pig farmers' environmental risk perception and the cultivation of the environmental awareness;?Establish strict farm admission mechanism to protection of the environmental risk in the root;?Formulate the emission standard according to the scale and the real fact,strenghten the supervision on the pig rasisers' environmental behavior during the whole proceding in the pig breeding and the publish on the irregulate deeds;?Improve the rural land circulation system and the maure trade system to encourage the utilization of manure;? Enlarge the finanical support in the pollution protection of pig industry,increase the intensity of eclogical compensation;?Encourage the moderate scale cultivation,make plan according to the environmenta bearing capacity;? Strengthening the education on the peasants arround the pig farm,encourage them to take supervision on the pollution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmnental risk perception, Environmnental regulation, Environmnental behaviour, Massive pig raiser
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