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Research On The Growth Of Farmers' Property Income In Guangdong Province

Posted on:2018-04-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F M LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1319330533964318Subject:Management Science Agricultural economic management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The issue of income distribution is always an immutable topic,whatever in Classical Economical Theories of in Modern Ecnomic Theories.People are very concerned about which value should be adopted in income distribution,justice or efficiency? The 17 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed a new measure of income distribution which is “ more conditions should be created for more people to own their property income ”,peropery income has come into our sight,.The rate of property income in perople's whole income is an important presentation of advanced imcome instructure as well as a symbol of measuring a country' development.International experiences tell us that property income usually takes up 30% of the all income in developed country.Therefore,with quick development of economy and increase of people's wealth,it is a trend for property income to grow fast.This is a result of Chinese innovation in the aspect of income distribution.It is a strategic path chozen by our government in order to enrich people.But at present,the controlling of property income is still on the stage of probe just like crossing the river by feeling the stones.Guangdong is a enomic giant in China,however,agriculture is less developed because it is limited by resources,its production is restricted by farmland resource.The uncertainty of income from household operations increases due to the high cost and price limitation,income from wages and salaries promotes slightly,income from transfers because of large population and insufficient budget.In this circumstances it becomes very urgent to boost the multiple imcome of farmers which account for 30% of total population in Guangdong.In the year 2014,the average GDP is 63452 yuan which equals to 10000 US dollars.Guangdong has already gone into the stage where property income will be in accelerated growth taking the development process of development countries as reference.Mothods just like social investigation,comparative analysis,quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis,normative research and empirical study are used in this paper.According to the logic order of “starting from theory and phonominon to raising questions,then to analyze questions and last to solve problems”,based on the demonstration and comments on the previous research achievements,this paper traces ideas of property income and introduces Theory of Instituional Changes,Theory of Property Rights Intensity,Theory of Dual Economic Structure,Theory of Kuznets Inversted U Curve.Then this paper investigates the development of farmers' property rights,describes the present state and makes statistical analysis.In addition,this paper estimates the degree of differentiation of property income in Pear River Delta,Eastern Guangdong,Western Guangdong and Northern Guangdong.Furthermore,this paper carries on empirical analysis on economic effect of farmers' property rights on rural economy growth by adopting VAR module,Granger Causality Test and GIRF.What's more,this paper decomposes the factors which affects growth of property income from both macro-view and micro-view and dignoses the problems and seeks their reasons.Aiming at these problems this paper proposes some countermeasures and suggests to provide guarantee mechanism.As the final research shows the following conclusions1.Generally farmers property income is in a trend to spriral increase and stay on quantitative accumulation stage.At the same time,there are many difficulties and challenges,absolute differences among the four regions are enlarged quickly year by year.2.In short term,farmers property income will bring positive and active influences on economic growth,in the long term,this kind of influence will be deduced until it is vanished,but to some extent,this process is helpful for the industrial structure adjustment 3.Resource endowment,economy and institution are the main factors which have effect on farmers' property income,farmland,house,homestead and financial assest are the core variables,relationship between segmentation variables and dependent variable can be summarized to one point which shows that the intensity of property rights owned by farmers is weakened for a long time.4.Measures should be taked to strengthen the intensity of property rights,so that to enhance property imcome from land,house and homestead,and financial assests.5.The enhance and increase of property income can not be separated from effective guarantee which includes strong protection by law,timely supply of compulsory institution,decisive role of modern market system,leading role of visible government.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guangdong province, farmers, property income, increase
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