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Study On The Relationship Between Qianjia School And Xunzi Thought

Posted on:2017-09-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330545475079Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Qianjia school as an important representative of Qing Dynasty,on the one hand reflects the characteristics of the textual research,on the other hand also did not give up the pursuit of justice.In the world the formation of Qianjia school righteousness,deeply influenced by Xunzi's aesthetics.At the same time,dry Jiaxing Xunzi Xuexing,Xunzi's status was enhanced in the Qing Dynasty,Qianlong Xunzi also got great development.Through the study of Xunzi's can be found on the period of Qianlong,the reason for scholars interested in Xunzi and in-depth study,because the new direction and the connotation of Xunzi academic has a lot of similarities.In the Qianjia School of Xunzi made a detailed textual research,argumentation from absorbed Xunzi ideology,and integrated into their own ideological system,the formation of a new method of new ideas and unique.Study on the relationship between Xunzi and Qian Jia School of thought,is more focused on the study of the Xunzi on the main research object in Xunzi.This thesis tries to Qianjia school for this,with principles and methods as the main line,to study the variation and development of Qianjia academic thought under the influence of Xunzi.In the discussion on the influence of Xunzi thought on Qianjia school,firstly combed the theoretical framework of Qianjia school,associated with Xunzi thought the content of comparison,analysis of Xunzi's thought of Qianjia school merge.In view of heaven-human nature-Humanity-knowledge theory as the main body,summarized the contribution of Qianjia school,reflected the main contents and meanings of science.Then the analysis of Xunzi gas on Qianjia school concept of heaven,Xunzi on the influence of evil human nature,Qianjia School of Qianjia school Xunzi advised the influence of epistemology,Xun Zilong Li view of Qianjia school knowledge theory,presents the tendency of a science of Qianjia School under the appearance of Xunzi from the respect for Mencius.Qianjia school absorbed Xunzi nutrients not only has Xunzi characteristics,has its unique academic temperament,and had a different theory and Xunzi thought,which is the academic evolution on the basis of ideology of Xunzi,and QianJia school is beyond the expansion of Xunzi thought.Although the Qianjia school inherited the main ideas of Xunzi gas theory,but not in favor of Xunzi separation between nature and advocates,but from the imitation of heaven and humanity on India reflected heaven.Accordingly,Qianjia school believes humanity has natural gas,also known to discern righteousness instinct,and blood and heart will be made one theory of Qianjia school,eventually formed the theory of human nature,realized from evil to good turn.The school also further expanded Xunzi space theory,in the learning style that is and,in the requirement of expanding in practical affairs,cross realm for empirical argumentation.In addition,the further refinement of the Qianjia school and ritual theory,theoretical innovation based on the view of Xunzi's thought of Rites.Association of Qianjia school and Xunzi thought is not only reflected in the specific academic thought,is also reflected in the academic style.From the discussion of Qianjia School of "nature" and "necessity" category,from morality and knowledge of the argument,from the relationship between argumentation and textual research on the reality and concern with the Qianjia School of Xunzi refers to the real tendency,reflects the Qianjia school and Xunzi academic style similar the.And through the investigation of Zhang Huang school,Taigu school,modern history and Confucianism in East Asia,it is found that this style has a profound influence on the way of thinking and learning in China since then.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qianjia school, Xunzi thought, Relationship Research
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