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A Study Of Nosan's SiJo

Posted on:2018-05-07Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330515954896Subject:Asian and African Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sijo is a poetic form brewed from the ancient poetic form of the Korean ethnic group,generated in the late period of Goryeo and flourishing in the era of Joseon Dynasty.Despite of its glorious past and enduring artistic charm,sijo has been increasing out of tune to literature demands of the modern people especially after emergence and gradual prevalence of the new literature.Thus,to reform the time-honored sijo and to gear it to development requirements of the modern literature have become an important issue facing modern Korean poets.Lee Eun Sang(pen name:Nosan)was one of the modern poets who took the mission of the era and made outstanding contributions.His unremitting efforts to expand the modern sijo led to remarkable achievements and gained him widespread fame among the Korean poetic circles.Over more than six decades,Nosan created a large number of sijo works.The quantity and quality of Nosan's sijo works made him unparalleled among modern sijo writer.These popular sijos were even adapted into songs,sang by the old and the young,men and women in Korea.Though Korean scholars have achieved some findings studying Nosan,most of them have failed to go deep enough to examine Nosan'smodern sijo works and to provide a comprehensive evaluation.Meanwhile,mot scholars studied from the perspective of historicism,sociology or culturalism,or focused on studying some of Nosan's works or the specific ideas behind specific works in a specific period of time.None have conducted a comprehensive and systematic research of Nosan's works.So far,there have not yet been any doctoral papers studying Nosan's sijo.This paper proceeds from Nosan's sijo works,and studies their ideas and characteristics of the artistic form to reexamine Nosan's sijo works as a whole.Next,the position and significance of Nosan in the modern history of Korean sijo are expounded.To be specific,this paper is based on Nosan's sijo works and relevant theories,makes use of research methods of biography,thematology,sociology and literary aesthetics,and elaborates on his works from the perspective of ideological content,image,artistic forms and skills.Below is the specific research content:First,this paper systematically summarizes Nosan's sijo works,and deeply analyzes the formation background of modern sijo,its revival and ideas about sijo.Second,this paper discusses the spiritual realm of Nosan's sijo on the content level,including yearning for the hometown,religious belief and faith,love of the nature,patriotism and care about the destiny of the nation.All these spirits and ideas are not isolated.Instead,they are organically connected to form a complex spiritual world to go through all his works.Furthermore,Nosan's inheritance and reform of the traditional sijo forms was a response to the era and society,and showed his deep love for the country and the nation.Nosan's sijo works not only emphasized on narration,but also on expression of emotions.The organic combination of narration and expression of emotions,external forms and internal sentiments constitutes an aesthetic realm of sijo.Third,Nosan's sijo works are discussed on the external level,namely language use,rhetorical skills and aesthetics in form.Among them,language use,rhetorical skills and aesthetics in form are an important part of sijo modernization or sijo reform,a direct external expression of modern sijo,and are indispensable aesthetic factors of sijo.In the opinion of Lushan,modern sijo should form its own aesthetics in form.Obviously,the proposal of Lushan was based on his creations,because his sijo works give full expression to aesthetics in form.Even now,people still speak highly of the aesthetic characteristics of structure and form in Nosan's sijo works.Finally,this paper focuses on analyzing the image beauty of Nosan's sijo works.The image of Nosan's sijo consists of four aspects.All these images are important manifestations of aesthetic value of Nosan's sijo works,and partially justify why Nosan's sijo works are so popular among the public.They have also established the important position of Nosan in the history of Korea's modern sijo.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nosan, modern sijo, hometown, nature, nation, idea, image
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