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Guang Ya Shu Zheng Yinshengqiuyi Problems Study

Posted on:2015-03-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330428475280Subject:Chinese classical literature
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Yinshengqiuyi is an important means for Qing dynasty qianjia period for researching xiaoxue, the representative Duan Yucai and Wang Niansun. Guang ya shu zheng is the important literature to solve the problem of yinyi that Wang Niansun use."Guang ya shu zheng" yinyi terms reflect Wang Niansun phonological exegetical thoughts more relatively concentrated.This article choose larger amount of four terms in guang ya shu zheng merely measurement and textual research, analysis the term connection form (word) the sound characteristics of word, on this basis to discuss terms with the nature of source, compare the term functional similarities and differences, from the angle of modern linguistics to discuss the relationship between sound-meaning, the term is analyzed on the display of initials-finals with Wang Niansun old Chinese phonology relationship problems, finally make a summary.The text divided into six chapters. The first chapter is a basis of textual research, mainly in four terms shows the significance of yinyi issues inguang ya shu zheng,. Four terms refers to "yishengzhizhuan""zhiyan""shengjinyitong""you". Mainly about the significance of contact to verify these terms. The second to fifth chapter mainly analysis from the perspective of measurement shows that the yinxingyi of four terms. Sixth chapter mainly discuss yinxingyi the four terms show, learn from the development situation and initials-finals with Wang Niansun old Chinese phonology relationship problems, terminology, shows the glyph structure and combing cognates.The conclusion part mainly from the five dimensions of the term, yinyi, rhyme, the characteristics of yinshengqiuyi in Wang Niansun guang ya shu zheng,and contribution and problems of the yinyi research should pay attention to.Look from the yinxingyi relationship, guang ya shu zheng, four terms between internal and external function on a gay. Phonology, the term "yishengzhizhuan" more emphasis on the initials contact, the term "zhiyan""shengjinyitong""you" more emphasis on finals contact. Form, used to determine the symphony relationship is important characteristics of the term "zhiyan" and "shengjinyitong"."yishengzhizhuan" and "you" form-difference of emphasis,"zhiyan" and "shengjinyitong" with more emphasis on the form-same. Meaning of words,"yishengzhizhuan""zhiyan""shengjinyitong" three terms show the amount of cognates in proportion of the meaning is the largest, and the amount of "you" meaning close in meaning relationship between proportion is the largest. meaning relationship in "yishengzhizhuan", or more irrespective of word meaning. Investigation found that this mainly refers to the continuous two word meaning has nothing to do. The meaning of "you" relationship, irrespective of the meaning is more. This mainly refers to Chinese words consisting of two characters "you" is derived from two different concepts. We can say,"zhiyan""yishengzhizhuan""shengjinyitong" more belongs to the category of linguistics,"you" more belongs to the category of literature.From the sound-meaning relations, guang ya shu zheng, the relationship between the yin and yi of four terms show is the unity of inevitability and contingency, the unity of the order and disorder. Guang ya shu zheng, the relationship between the yin and yi of four terms show is administrative, such as the "original meaning and metaphorical meaning""metaphorical meaning and borrow meaning""original meaning and borrow meaning " shows the complicated semantic level among the original meaning, metaphorical meaning, borrow meaning."Guang ya shu zheng" four terms show complex corresponding relation between element and sememe.A sememe or is composed of an element, or composed of multiple element. Or have a contact or no contact between multiple element. The significance in guang ya shu zheng also shows the relationship between the voice form and concept. Guang ya shu zheng four terms significance relationship has the following characteristics: if there are common shengfu between two words, and the common shengfu in the source, the original meaning of common sememe namely common shengfu (i.e., said the same concept), for the same phonetic form, the two words have the homologous relationship; Different forms (that is, there is no common shengfu) of the two words, if a common sememe (i.e., the same concept), under the same relevant forms of speech, can be homologous; Different forms (that is, there is no common shengfu) of the two words, various layers of meaning, under the same relevant forms of speech, general is righteousness close relationship; The same word, have more than one concept and there is no connection between (such) or less, can according to the shape according to the sound system of one or more sets and the meaning of nearly or cognate words; Two words with the same concepts, can according to the same relevant form of link more groups of words, the meaning between the groups of words or contact or no contact. Finally concluded:"guang ya shu zheng" yinyi relationship is diachronic yinyi and the unity of the synchronic yinyi, is heterogeneous yinyi and the unity of the homogeneous yinyi.Wang Niansun has no specific ancient sound academic work, his ancient sound ideas mainly included in the detailed exegesis. Guang ya shu zheng four terms show Wang Niansun rich ancient sound ideas, these ideas that he absorbed the ancient sound ideas of Qian Da-xin, Dai Zhen, actively applied to concrete practice yinyi problems, and made greater progress. These ideas is an important part of ancient sound in the Qing dynasty, cannot be ignored."Guang ya shu zheng" four terms reflects the Wang Niansun understanding of yunzhuan relationship, consistency with the guyun Wang Niansun division, display Wang Niansun in guang ya shu zheng, basic follow his ancient twenty-one part of the guyun. In addition, Wang Niansun according to specific exegetical practice turn flexible yunzhuan.Wang Niansun guang ya shu zheng, there are two characteristics of the contribution in yinshengqiuyi, one is the "concept of the term" in Wang Niansun, namely the terminology of rich connotation, pay attention to by the term in the semantic interpretation of the basic functional similarities and differences show that the characteristics of the term, large-scale use of the term dredge old exegesis, to summarize explaining tradition and innovation; One is the concept of yinyi in Wang Niansun, it is the link between the yin-xing-yi in systematic understanding, at the same time has certain understanding to the phonetic forms and concept of logical relationship, on this basis of "old sound to old meaning", beyond the form, is a large number of homologous words. The yinyi practice has made a contribution to the development of the establishment of the theory of semantics, theory of etymology, deepened the understanding of the nature of Chinese.Finally, this paper discusses the problems should pay attention to in the yinyi research. Yinyi study should from the term, measuring, textual research, the sound, form and meaning that six dimensions to implement, pay attention to methods, face the problem, improve the breadth and depth. Calls for research in guang ya shu zheng, merely as a node, forming a " Phonosemantics in the Qing Dynasty" and other related issues.
Keywords/Search Tags:guangyashuzheng, yinshengqiuyi, yinyi, terms, measurement, textual research
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