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Comparative Research On Residential Building Cultures Between Suzhou And Huizhou In The 16~19th Centuries

Posted on:2018-06-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X RongFull Text:PDF
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It is drafted to comparatively research the residential building cultures between Suzhou and Huizhou in the 16~19th centuries from the angles of architecture,sociology and human geography,with research objects including residential settlements and residential building cultures in Suzhou and Huizhou where Yuehai Ethnic Group speaking Goetian lived(Wu-Yue Culture Area).Based on the research results of regional building culture,the similarities and differences and interaction relations of cross-regional building cultures are researched in this paper.A residential building,as a material carrier,is affected greatly by various factors such as human and social environment,natural environment and so on.Residential building cultures in such two regions have common gene core on the one hand and are affected by specific social,historical and natural environments on the other hand,namely there is an opposition between commonality and individuality.The residential building culture in Suzhou and Huizhou is a complex system for various factors such as regional culture,building culture,folk culture,etc.Research methods related with social science and natural science,such as pattern comparison,regional comparison,comparative architecture,map method and so on,are applied to this complex culture body in this paper to establish a system framework of comparative researches on residential building culture in the two regions;to strive for exploring the similarities and differences of its spiritual form by comparing similarities and differences of exterior materialized forms of residences;to systematically investigate similarities and differences and causes of residential building cultures in two regions and discover the implicit correlation under the explicit phenomenon by summary and deliberation.Representative residential settlements and traditional residences are selected in this paper during the specific research to investigate the application of settlement patterns of traditional residences,building forms,building styles,construction techniques,architectural art and building materials in two regions from the Mid Period of Ming Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty,discover similarities and differences as well as transition of its implicit cultural spirit core level through exterior phenomena of residential building culture by integrating the interaction relationship among social formation,religious system and business activity in Huizhou.It is believed that the generations and laws of basic residential systems in two regions are closely related with such factors as history,society,clan and family,and penetrated with common characteristics of clan system,ethical value orientation and geomantic omen.Under the commonality culture gene,different building style characteristics are also derived from residences in two regions,which indicate different expressions of the homogeneous spiritual culture at the material level.In addition,comparative analyses are made for residential building settlements,residential building technologies and decorating skills in two regions and the transfer trend of cultures at differential residential building cultures in two regions are also discussed in this paper.The generation and interaction relationship of cultures in two regions are discussed in Chapter ?.Based on the summary of historical origins and traffic form characteristics in two regions,this paper hereby states regional differences between two regions,traces back to the national formation and the Han-oriented process of Baiyue minority in the Southeast of China,follows the transformation and transition of Wuyue culture before the Ming and Qing Dynasties and sets forth the movement influences of Han nationality on the spiritual temperament in Wuyue cultural circle from the overall social angle in Suzhou and Huizhou.Historically,furthermore,comparison and transition analysis are made for Wuyue culture in the Spring and Autumn Periods and Wuhui culture after the mature period of the Ming and Qing Periods.The logic relationship between social structures and residential forms in two regions is emphasized in Chapter ?.Beginning with the social organizations and forms in Suzhou and Huizhou of the Ming and Qing Periods,this paper carries out analyses on the relations between transitional social structure and patriarchal society of the Han nationality,from which it is believed that the existence of social clans and Huizhou merchants in Suzhou and Huizhou directly affected the residential forms in Suzhou and Huizhou.At that time,the human-land relationship in Huizhou was more tensive than that in Suzhou,which represented the insufficiency of farmland per capita on the one hand and the lack of farmland quality on the other hand,further catalyzing the rise of merchants in Huizhou of the Ming and Qing Periods,its strong commercial capital promoted the diversified social structure in Suzhou,collapsed the clan society and solidified the clan society system in Huizhou.Differences of macro social organizations in two regions were important causes for specific form differences of residential building materials.In Chapter ?,comparative researches are made from residential settlement circumstances in Suzhou and Huizhou;the residential settlement site selection in two regions tends to the “water system” as soul,but residential settlements and villages in Suzhou present a “mesh distribution” along waterways,and residential settlements in Huizhou show a “linear distribution” along rivers;in the economic life,there are obvious settlement differences in two regions,geo-villages centered on business economy were available in Suzhou,with production and transfer sale function of commodities,while Huizhou takes blood relationship as link,which is named as blood-type village to more perform the transport function of commodities.As for the layout of residential settlements,Suzhou is more abundant than the mountain area in Huizhou,presenting fish bone space,uniform space layout and ladder-like space,but block layout and tower form are available in Huizhou.The differences among site selection,distribution and type of settlements map those between natural settlement environments and social production and life types in two regions.In Chapter ?,Comparative analyses are made for residential building systems,plane layouts,combined change laws and building space artistic conceptions in Suzhou and Huizhou by field investigations on typical residents in two regions.Local residences in two regions are explored to discover form difference and distinctive personality of residential buildings in two regions under the infiltration of common spiritual concepts with nearly 1000 history,such as social institution,filial piety and noble ethics,etc.It is believed that the contradictory differences among topography,landform environment and population and the different recognitions of people on traditional clans and families in two regions are important factors resulting in basic system differences in two regions.Typical styles and form characteristics of residences in two regions are analyzed and compared in Chapter ?.From macroscopic residence exterior space form to interior building color until microscopic typical component features,for example,it is discovered from the analysis and comparison of wharf wall and gatehouse style that there are implicit cultural differences between formal residence characteristics in two regions.The formal commonality and individuality of residential buildings in two regions reflect the moral concept centered on filial piety and priority in rank in the Chinese traditional social institution system.Residential buildings in two regions have the same elements,but residences in two regions have regional subspecies derived from the natural environment,social culture and so on,richening the styles and typical characteristics of residential buildings in two regions.Large wooden frames and construction crafts for traditional residential buildings in Suzhu and Huizhou are researched in Chapter ?.According to the traditional construction craftsmanship of Xiangshan Group and the construction craftsmanship system of craftsmen in Huizhou,the similarities and differences between spatiality and timeliness of the two are researched on the basis of large wooden materials for residences in two regions,from which it is believed that the original differences between regional and social formations in two regions resulted in the asynchronous development and form of large timber and construction craftsmanship for later residences in two regions,the components and crafts for residences in Huizhou contain more ancient construction traces in comparison with Suzhou.Although Huizhou merchants in Suzhou have led business capitals since the Ming and Qing Periods to play a major role in promoting the modeling of social,economic and cultural artistic forms in two regions;during the communication about the construction culture of residences in two regions,however,no large-scale,cross-regional and systematic construction craftsmanship is reached ultimately.In Chapter ?,Comparative analysis is made for the “wood carving,brick carving,stone carving and residential decoration art” for residences in two regions.The decoration art for traditional residences can be visually and explicitly reflected in the residence culture,the building materials,colors,structures,forms and styles in Suzhou and Huizhou are extremely similar,but such “similarity in form” contains the opposition of “likeness in spirit”.This paper carries out deep analyses of the decorative themes,artistic and technological characteristics of typical residences in Suzhou and Huizhou,and then analyses of differences among social consciousnesses,customs and cultural values in two regions.From the theme and expression of “three-carving art” for residences in two regions,residences in such two regions represent the commonality of advocating Confucian culture,moral doctrine as well as pursuing good fortunes and avoiding disasters,but the decorative theme for residences in Suzhou more focus on humanity and elegance attributes,while residences in Huizhou more emphasize ethical codes and farming-reading consciousness.Building colors advocate being pain and simple,white walls and grey tiles as well as cement bricks constitute the dominant colors of “black,white and grey” for residences in two regions.Based on the theories of building typology and communication,how to innovate,communicate and inherit residential building cultures in two regions is discussed in the current social environment in Chapter VIII.From the architectural culture body,residential buildings in Suzhou and Huizhou are two cultural systems with complete system and perfect form and also open and inclusive ones.Innovation should be based on local culture,to consciously and unconsciously develop the original form so that the trunk communication contents and information will never lose and distort,also look at the overall social development,which is compatible with the opposition and unity of modernity and tradition,not being covered by fixed specific form of residential buildings and inheriting the explicit and implicit cultural attributes of residential buildings.The inherited and communicated contents are essential and core problems;also,it is believed that the inheritance and innovation of traditional residential building culture require actively integrating new thoughts,materials and technologies to promote ideology,aesthetic psychology and creation technique in forming new models,innovating and perfecting architectural function types and building forms.The residential buildings in Suzhou radiate residences in Huizhou in the more flexible advanced cultural field,such as residence feature,decoration art and its skill,while the residential buildings in Huizhou affect the residences in Suzhou in the more conservative primary cultural form,mainly representing the residential dry-type structure and column-and-tie construction of residences.And so on,which not only represents the residential buildings in Suzhou and Huizhou,but also has universal significance in residential buildings in other regions.The differences between environments where residences in two regions are located represent the centripetal forces of dynastic culture in the central plains of China with differential forces,namely specific social form structures,original residential psychological and cultural qualities and orientation differences between social values in two regions,an inheritance relationship is available between the residence culture in Huizhou and the culture in the central plains,while it is similar with a radiation relationship between residence culture in Suzhou and the culture in the central plains,and the flow direction of cultures between two regions tends from Huizhou to Suzhou.The interaction relationship of these comprehensive factors makes residential buildings in two regions generate the opposition and unity of commonality and individuality of folk nature,cultural characteristic,building form,decorative art and other aspects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Residences in Suzhou of the Ming and Qing Periods, Residences in Huizhou, Residential Building culture, Comparative research
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