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A Study On Mutual Translation Of Chinese-Thai Economics And Trade Words

Posted on:2014-12-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M C h i n d a S a e C h Full Text:PDF
GTID:1265330398484419Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It has been38years since the Sino-Thai two countries established diplomatic relations in1975. When the Economics and Trade between China and Thailand will be in closer relation after the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in2015, Chinese-Thai Economics and Trade dictionary will become even more important. However, Chinese-Thai Economics and Trade dictionaries were seldom seen. A bilingual dictionary as communication tool is important to either for translating or learning. At present, there is only "Thai-Chinese/Chinese-Thai Economics and Trade Dictionary" which is the most authoritative Chinese-Thai and Thai-Chinese Economics and Trade Dictionaries in China market. This thesis selected "Thai-Chinese/Chinese-Thai Economics and Trade Dictionary" as study target. This paper will do a comprehensive study of the book, picking up the common translation errors to analyze article-by-article, and revising errors one by one aiming that the paper will be able to provide some good references to the user.There are four chapters in the thesis of which m ain contents include several aspects as follows:Chapter1is an exordium which is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the importance of study on mutual translation of Chinese-Thai economics and trade words. T he second part briefly introduces "Thai-Chinese/Chinese-Thai Economics and Trade Dictionary". The third part introduces the value and the research methods of this dissertation.Chapter2is an introduction of mutual translation of Chinese-Thai economics and trade words which is divided into two parts. The first part is an introduction of Chinese-Thai economics and trade vocabularies. Firstly, the article explains the definitions and the features of economics and trade vocabularies, after that introduces the categories of Chinese economics and trade vocabulary and Thai economics and trade vocabulary. Secondary, this paper analyzes the similarities and differences of Chinese-Thai economics and trade vocabulary, then points out the importance of differences:loanwords in Chinese economics and trade vocabulary are inclined to be translated by meanings, while loanwords in Thai economics and trade vocabulary are inclined to be transliterated. Finally, this paper compiles and translates new Chinese-Thai economics and trade vocabularies emerged in recent years which are divided into new Chinese economics and trade words and new Thai economics and trade words, also translates the new words which are not included in the "Thai-Chinese/Chinese-Thai Economics and Trade Dictionary", and selects new words from "The New Thai Words Dictionary" written by Royal Institute of Thailand, to translate into Chinese with illustration. The second part introduces the method of mutual translation between Chinese and Thai economics and trade vocabularies which refers to mutual translation between Chinese and Thai economics and trade vocabularies, and Chinese-Thai economics and trade proper nouns and quantifier, moreover will raise the common problems of mutual translation between Chinese and Thai economics and trade vocabularies such as word-for-word translation, awkward translation, redundant translation, explanatory translation, unsuitable loanword translation, and non-standard annotate, etc.Chapter3lists and analyzes the types of translation errors of C hinese being translated into Thai in "Thai-Chinese/Chinese-Thai Economics and Trade Dictionary". Based on practical using the "Thai-Chinese/Chinese-Thai Economics and Trade Dictionary", this paper checks the words article-by-article, analyzes and revises the existing errors one by one. The paper summarizes the errors into nine classifications to which raises and analyses the errors of Chinese being translated into Thai of economics and trade vocabularies in each classification, then recommend a revision. The first part covers translation error. The second part covers clerical error of the characters. The third part covers adding space by mistake. The fourth part covers sequencing error. The fifth part covers inconsistency style. The sixth part covers less comprehensive translation. T he seventh part covers repeated translation. T he eighth part covers improper collection. T he ninth part covers fail-to-collect words.Chapter4lists and analyzes the types of translation errors of Thai being translated into Chinese of "Thai-Chinese/Chinese-Thai Economics and Trade Dictionary". Based on practical using the "Thai-Chinese/Chinese-Thai Economics and Trade Dictionary", this paper checks the words article-by-article, analyzes and revises the existing errors one by one. T he paper summarizes the errors into nine classifications to which raises and analyses the errors of Thai being translated into Chinese of economics and trade vocabularies in each classification, then recommend a revision. The first part covers translation error. T he second part covers clerical error of the characters. The third part covers adding space by mistake. T he fourth part covers sequencing error. T he fifth part covers inconsistency style. T he sixth part covers less comprehensive translation. T he seventh part covers repeated translation. T he eighth part covers improper collection. The ninth part covers fail-to-collect words.The final part is thesis conclusion. This paper stresses the importance of learning language and economics and trade knowledge, as well as the summary of mistranslation and the cause of misinterpretation, and to make recommendations and solutions for economics and trade dictionary. Followings are four appendices of Chinese-Thai-English economics and trade vocabulary translation table, Thai-Chinese-English economics and trade vocabulary translation table, the corrections of Chinese being translated into Thai of "Thai-Chinese/Chinese-Thai Economics and Trade Dictionary", and the corrections of Thai being translated into Chinese of "Thai-Chinese/Chinese-Thai Economics and Trade Dictionary".Through analyzing and revising "Thai-Chinese/Chinese-Thai Economics and Trade Dictionary" article-by-article, as well as making correction one by one, the researcher wishes to provide some reference views as a guideline for compilation of bilingual dictionaries in the future, particularly for the Chinese-Thai bilingual dictionaries. Due to the large number of entries of the dictionaries and limited personal knowledge, certainly there are some errors or imperfect on research process, which the researcher hereby expresses personal apologies and hopes for value recommendations from the expert.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese-Thai, economics and trade words, mutual translation, correction
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