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Pass Into Dialogue With The Breakthrough

Posted on:2014-01-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1265330398476716Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Buddhism’s spread from India to China was the peaceful,successful and typical case in human civilization communication history. Kumarajiva’s translation and missionary was one of the important event in this case. By studying his acquisition in India and Western regions, preaching and translation in Chang’an,we can discover the path, opportunity, contact and developing process of India Buddhism entering Chinese native culture organism. It can not only reveal the historical original social existence really, also has important guiding significance for today’s cultural communication.India Theravada mainly concentrated in the northern region. Gandhara was the ealier center and then transfered to the Ji bin. At that time, Mahayana Buddhism had was rising in the Kushan Kingdom territory. The early Khotan temple sites and Qiuci grotto art told us that Gandharan Theravada buddhism is the early source for Western regions. Later, it accepted Mahayana Buddhism. From the Chinese translation sutras we can know Mahayana Buddhism had prevalent in Shache, Khotan and other south region of Western. While other northern road countries of Western were ruling of Theravada Buddhism that was from Ji Bin. Kumarajiva mainly studied Theravada buddhism in Ji Bin. He contacted Mahayana Buddhism theory On the back way in Shache and began to change his direction. He continued to study Mahayana philosophy quickly became a talented younger monk of the Western regions.Darou zhi people had bring Buddhism to the mainland in the Han Dynasty. But from Wei and Gin Dynasty, the intermediary position of the Western regions highlighted gradually and many monks came to inland to preach. Due to the limited number of translation quality, and the lack of the guidance of Buddhist philosophy, Chinese Buddhism has been unable to get a rapid development. As a result," Geyi Buddhism "arised and Chinese Buddhism always cannot walk to the self-development road. At the same time, because of the long-term chaos caused by war, many minority ethnic rulers of the Sixteen States in the Northernwanted to using Buddhism to stabilize their political position. All these formed the historical opportunity that Kumarajiva enter into Chang’an and preach the Mahayana Buddhism. Yao Xing group supported strongly the translation project,so that Chang’an gathered lots of excellent monks. Of course, althouth was full of difficulties in translating period,due to Kumarajiva’s unusual capacity and favorable factors, Chang’an translation achieved big success.Kumarajiva’s missionary enabled India Buddhism to Chinese culture organism. India and Western thoughts began to contact with Chinese cultural produced important effect. As the main Mahayana Buddhism philosophy in India,Longshu theory was accurately translated by Kumarajiva. On the one hand, it help Chinese monk correctly understanding the essence of Mahayana Buddhism so as to produced "Zhao" theory that made Chinese Buddhism to independent development path, on the other hand it also faced contradiction with Chinese traditional cultural."After all this empty"thought had it’s historical limitation not only in the local India even in China. Chinese traditional culture advacates reality and thinks that everyone can became Yao and Shun. This thought consistants with Mahayana Buddhism.It think that all beings have Buddha nature and can be Buddha. Later, the ideas soon replaced Longshu theory and became the new trend.Many classical sutras by Kumarajiva translating, has produced a profound influnce on the development of Chinese Buddhism. However, due to different cultural background the same content, presents a completely different development path and the fate. India Buddhism got a rigorous selection and absorption while it entering Chinese culture. Some contents produced transformation and others created new things. From the sectarian thought influence, we can see this appearance. As a popular classic in India,"Diamond Sutra " also became the supreme in the Tang Dynasty. It was the first classic sutra for Zen,and was wortshiped with Xuanzong emperor."Cheng shi theory" was not in the popular In India, but prospered in the southern and Northern Dynasties of China. Many famous monks pursuited it."Three theories School" was established by Jizang monk in Sui Dynasty and the earlier Tang Dynasty,but soon declined."Lotus Sutra " was popular classic both in India and in China. It was the basis ideas of "Tiantai school". In the field of people’s beliefs,"Guanyin" belief in India has many types, but helping people to free peril became the only choosed one and created their own image. Finally, he became a gentle and female image. Amida statue is very rare in India, but accomgpanied the rise of the "Western Pure Land",from Tang Dynasty, became the mian theme of statues. Maitreya "Xiasheng" beliefs once banned and became the using God for lower class to rebel. However, the big belly Maitreya image was created and widely spreaded until Song Dynasty. Vimalakirti image in the Buddhist sutra, becames the pursuited goal for Chinese scholar,and created the new image.These facts show that pure India things must occurred strongely change as it input into the heterogeneous Chinese cultural body. Thus, it can better adapted to the requirements of local culture.Fom the whole translation and preaching course about Kumarajiva we can see some fectures. The insufficient and needs of Chinese culture is the premise factor that India Buddhism input to China.It was selective absorption and created new things as to became the integration of the local culture. Historical opportunity and method of choice is the necessary condition for successful entry. Meanwhile,the process demonstrated many general characteristics such as persistent, the times and the overall unity.But the "subjectivity" principle is the outstanding one. By Analysising these characteristics, can help us better perspectiving understanding the different civilization communication.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kumarajiva, India Buddhism, spread, translation
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