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Study On Calculation And Carbon Emission Reduction Approaches In Chinese Residents’ Consumption In The Process Of Urbanization

Posted on:2013-06-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1261330395487464Subject:Environmental Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of economy and urbanization, the living standardand consumption level of the Chinese has been constantly improved. Great changeshave taken place in people’s life style and consumption structure, which indicates theincreasingly important role urbanization move plays in residents’ consumption inChina. The Chinese government has officially put forward the carbon emission targetby2020and advocates low carbon development as the strategic option for China’social and economic development. Thus, it is both strategic and necessary to build acarbon emission evaluation mechanism as well as to conduct a systematic study onthe approaches of carbon emission reduction so as to fulfill a reasonable and civilizedlow carbon consumption pattern in future.This paper systematically constructs the calculation model and approaches onthe carbon emissions related to residents’ consumption, fully defines the contents ofresident consumption and their influence on the carbon emission, comprehensivelysummarizes the features of China’ urbanization process and its influences onresidents’ consumption, and sketches a clear framework to calculate the carbonemissions in residents’ consumption. Researching from the perspective of rural andurban residents, the calculation model takes full account of such factors as theurbanization’s effects, the features of Chinese resident consumption and theaccessibility of relative data and the content of the calculation consists of three energyconsumption projects, which are household energy consumption, indirect energyconsumption and transportation energy consumption as well as two non-energyprojects, food consumption and domestic wastes disposition.The paper provides a comprehensive analysis on the structure and dynamicchange of carbon emissions related to residents’ consumption in China and elaboratesthe change trend from the five aspects of living energy consumption, indirect energyconsumption, transportation energy consumption, food consumption and domesticrefuse disposal. By employing LMDI approach, the author discusses the key factorsthat affect the carbon emission generated by living energy consumption and indirect energy consumption and explains how it is affected from the aspects of population,urbanization, income, consumption level, consumption structure, energy consumptionintensity, energy structure, carbon emission coefficient, etc. In the fields oftransportation energy consumption, food energy consumption and domestic refusedisposal, the author uses method to illustrate how such factors as GDP Index, CPI, percapita income, Engel’s coefficient influence the carbon emissions.In addition, the paper examines in-depth the effects of urbanization on China’scarbon emissions in residents’ consumption and illustrates their mutual relations byvirtue of grey correlation analysis. The paper combines the previous statistics,relevant literature and scientific calculation methods such as LMDIED predictionmethod and historical trend presumption. Taking the economic growth rate andurbanization development as the basis, the author presets a series of situationparameters that are reasonable for the three different kinds of situations: baselinesituation, high-speed situation and low-speed situation. and predicts the respectiveand total amounts of the carbon emissions caused in the five different residents’consumption during2015to2020.Finally, the paper attempts to put forward specific approaches for carbonemission reduction in resident’s consumption at the climate of urbanization move. Itconcludes four principles of “improving living standard while advocating low carbonconsumption, emphasizing the enterprise-dominance and public participation underthe guidance of the government, attaching equal importance to market economy andlow carbon consumption concept and promoting low carbon products supported byhigh technology” as the guidance for carbon emission reduction. The paper also setsthe preliminary targets of carbon emission reduction in rural and urban residents’consumption under different circumstances by2020and conducts scenario analysisfrom the perspective of the five consumption fields. In the end, the author tries toestablish a low carbon consumption assessment system, which is based on four keyelements (efficiency, scope, structure, and management) as well as22indexes, toprovide guidance for the development of low carbon consumption in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:urbanization, residents’ consumption, carbon emission, carbon emissionreduction approaches
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