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Research On Information Acceptance Context And Optimization Of Digital Libarry

Posted on:2016-10-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N ChaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1228330467994649Subject:Library, Archive and Information Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The digital library is the product of the information environment digitalization,networking, ordering and intelligence, and an important constituent of the nationalinformation infrastructure. The purpose for establishing the digital library is to realize two“five any”, i.e. any people in any places, any time, using any digital equipment to achieveaccess to any human knowledge;“any place, any time any new knowledge to be transmittedto any people in need through any digital equipment”. The improvement way of the digitallibrary technology is committed to two “three NO”, i.e.“no delay, no rubbish, no searchingmissing” and “no delay, no rubbish, and no transmission missing”. Nowadays, at the sametime of experiencing the constant new change in the information reception context of thedigital library, we deeply realize that there is a great gap between the reality and the target.The establishment of the information reception status of the digital library faces manychallenges.(1) Through the comparison on the contradiction between the high input and lowutilization rate of the digital library construction and the network searching engine, theproportion of the digital library as the first choice of the user information reception entranceis relatively low, and the user viscidity is also not strong.(2) The information reception space-time slider, content slider and attentiondecentralization resulting from the digital resource abundance deepen the contradictionamong the demands, resource, and service that is difficult to be matched.(3) There is certain convergence gap between the digital library context and userinformation reception expecting context. It is a challenge in how the digital library contextblends into the user context closely.In face of the challenge, the user’s cognition towards the digital library context is notformed in one night. The establishment of the effect, transformation and promotion betweenthe user and digital library context is a gradual process. Therefore, apply limited “attentionresource” of the users into the unlimited digital library resource. It is necessary to integratethe digital library context with the “attention resource” of the user context, which enables theusers to generate the liability and dependence towards the information acceptance context ofthe digital library.The content of this research mainly includes the following four parts:(1) Basic research Firstly, introduce the research background and significance of this paper, and reviewand summarize the domestic and foreign research status related to the theme; expound therelated core concept and theoretical foundation in this research in detail, and providetheoretical basis for the research.(2) Theoretical constructionIn the user research of the digital library, most research is in the individual level, grouplevel and public level. The digital library can give full play to its function only after it isfinally accepted by the users. Therefore, the effect and influence of the digital library contextdepends on the reception and usage of the user individual. This paper carries out research byfocusing on the individual level.From the angle of the cognition, this paper regards the under information acceptationactivity of the library as a creative cognition activity. Such cognition activity not onlyincludes the context factor of the mutual object digital library, but also includes the integralpart of the user context factor as the acceptance subject.The premise of the theoretical construction is to blend the information acceptancebehavior occurrence and development progress into the digital library context. This papertakes the construction of the resource context, service context and technology context underthe user information acceptance expect target of the digital library as the research object,starts from the context dimension constituent elements of the digital library, analyzes andstudies the multiple attributes and value function of the digital library context, and points outthe multiple dimensional framework of the information acceptance context, which lays solidfoundation for the future empirical study.(3) Empirical studyRegard the information acceptance process as the dynamic gradual process of“information acceptance demand–information acceptance expectation–informationacceptance behavior–information acceptance effect”. Based on the viewpoint of theinformation acceptance, analyze the mutual dependence and effect relationship between theuser context and digital library context. On that basis, put forward research hypothesis andits model, adopt the way of integrating the questionnaire and data analysis, and carry outempirical inspection on the model, and then proceed with the discussion on the empiricalresearch results.(4) Extension researchAccording to the conclusion of the empirical research, put forward optimization approach and strategy of the digital library information acceptance context. Besides, take theCNKI resource context as an example, and then carry out empirical research of the servicerecommendation based on the user preference context.The academic contribution of this paper lies in:(1) From the viewpoint of the bilateral construction of the user context and digitallibrary context, build the multiple dimensional framework of the digital library informationacceptance context, and narrate the value function of the context dimension construction.(2) Based on the viewpoint of the information acceptance process, analyze theinterdependence and interaction between the user context and digital library context. Basedon the proposed research hypothesis, establish the user information acceptance contextmodel of the digital library. Adopt the questionnaire and data analysis method, and carry outempirical inspection on the research hypothesis and its model.(3) Based on the results of the empirical research, put forward the optimizationapproach and strategy of the information acceptance context of the digital library. Take theCNKI resource context as an example, and then carry out empirical research of the servicerecommendation based on the user preference context.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information acceptance, User context, Digital library context
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