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The Changes And Cultivation For The Contemporary Chinese People On Happiness

Posted on:2016-07-09Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F L XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330464959627Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The highest purpose and human essence is the pursuit of happiness. To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is just to realize the happiness of the people’s livelihood. Since China’s reform and opening up, it is all the time the major issue, how to explore the content and characteristics of the happiness during the social development, how to solve the factors that will affect people’s well-being, and how to find the inevitable law of the happiness. All of these are not only the summons of Marxist historical materialism, but also are the inevitable requirements of the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.The current Chinese people’s happiness is experiencing the profound transformation, from one unitary to pluralism, from whole to individual, from tradition to modern, which embodies the blending of the concepts of happiness of Chinese and western’s, presents the alternation and substitution of the old and the new, and performs the generation of the advanced and scientific concepts of happiness.This is an inevitable response to social existence, an inevitable transformation from traditional agricultural civilization to modern industrial civilization, and the result of the mixing of our country’s economic system reform and the economic globalization.On the one hand, the changes of the happiness’concepts are rising forward, reflecting positive identification on social development, which will promote positive changes of the society through the bidirectional interaction with social existence. On the other hand, the shifts are also followed with the impatience, anxiety, pain and helplessness of people. Instead of rising, some people’s happiness is losing. Some people are lazy for becoming richer, even lazy before becoming a rich man. The value of the labor rational is decreased by the tool rational.This is the inevitable result of the happiness concepts transformation from the concept based on moral and political identity to the concept based on the economic interests. Traditional happiness still has its great influence. The factors, advocating overall, cultivating one’s morality and contenting with one’s lot, are still living. Western happiness with its complementary advantages and Chinese traditional outlook, show the respect for the individual desire, and seek the characteristics of the content. Because traditional happiness could not immediately withdrew from the historical stage, and new happiness also can’t quickly generate, the integration and the frying process is inevitable. Without "state", people will still immerse in the material desire and cannot extricate, and ignore labor is the source of happiness and the natural way to get happiness. Only with "state", we can get out of the mess, grasp the basic way to happiness, realize human’s full possession to themselves, and describe the blueprint of "happy China" and "happy city".Labor concept of happiness should be the dominant concept, which represents the direction of social development, express the people’s fundamental interests. Its cultivation should be guided by the Marxist concept of happiness, start from the reality person, and meet people’s reasonable needs. The labor will be as the basic way. People’s specific social relations will be the premise. The ultimate goal of social development and end-result will be to realize people’s happiness. To combine the concept of labor happiness, we should base on the primary stage of our country, rely on laborer individual, government and society. Specifically, laborer individuals are the carriers who create happiness. So they should improve their abilities to feel happiness and cognize happiness, including cognitive ability, health quality, moral quality, economic, political and cultural ability. It’s the government’s responsibility to construct a just and fair labor conditions, increase productivity levels, and create more material wealth. In this way, the government could meet people’s basic material needs, narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, and improve people’s relative income level. The government should also deepen the education purpose, improve the level of science and technology, sparkplug rational consumption, and raise people’s dignity of consumption. The last, but not the least, the whole society should create a good atmosphere that labor is glorious, laborer should be respected, and labor is the best way to gain happiness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contemporary Chinese people, Concepts of happiness, Transformation, Foster, Labor
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